I'm in the same situation as you. I'm baseboard only and considering converting to a gassifier.
It's really about the math. I don't know the formulas yet, but I'm working on understanding it. If you know your heat load (math mumbo jumbo), how many feet of baseboard you have (more math) and then know the btu output your baseboard is rated at per inlet water temperature you will know how you stand.
That being said, I have done a lot of anecdotal testing over this winter with my oil burner and my baseboard. I have found that my house easily maintains 60 degrees with the aquastat set at 130 low set point, 150 high set point with a 10 degree anticipator set point. I've done this on our coldest days and nights this year to simulate a low heat situation (either night or when we are away at work to simulate the system running off storage). Of course I can easily get the heat of the house well up over 70 degrees if I change the aquastat to 180 low 200 high to simulate a boiler running flat out with high heat load.
I would still like to add some panel radiators selectively throughout the house. I grew up with them in Germany as a kid and they were great to hang your towels over while you were in the shower. Nothing like heated towels to dry off withOh yea, they'll stretch your storage capabilities out too.
Why not change the burner on your oil boiler to a wood pellet burner?
See pics here. All done for $6500