Barely any Heat Coming from my XXV after a Full Cleaning

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Donn, tried stove temp mode so I didn't take much notice of that. Had mine there for a while but it worked better on the floor.

Still with us Donn?
Is this the ESP probe?


  • [] Barely any Heat Coming from my XXV after a Full Cleaning
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What do I do now? It seems attached and clean. Do I need to remove the vent pipe from the stove? If so how do I do that and I imagine I would need materials to reattach it to the stove. And I do need to look in to this leaf blower trick. Sounds absolutely hilarious to bring a running leaf blower inside a house
You need to pull it out and make sure it's not damaged.
Do a search on you tube for leaf blower trick. Lol ya defiantly don't want to do that in the house :)

Are you able to pull the stove away from the corner to inspect the exhaust flue and venting? It might be worth the trouble to get in there and check it out.
To remove the esp there is a screw seen in the pic holding it on by the collar. Remove the screw and gently try to pull it out. You may have to work it up and down a little to get it loose. It should come strait out if its not bent.
Once you get it out it should be strait. Also inspect for any hits incurred by the cleaning brush. You can post a pic if your not sure but it should be shiny and smooth when clean. A wet paper towel will do the trick.
Fines box cover on straight and securely?
You want to make sure that the exhaust flue at the base of the venting is free of ash. It sounds like the brush did not get by the probe so that area could be packed with ash. You can try the leaf blower method or if your feeling squirly disconnect the venting from the stove or pull the stove out to access that area. Yes the stove is very heavy! A friend comes in handy.
Again, not sure about the configuration of the XXV but corner installs can be a PITA. Its often fairly difficult to do the simplest tasks. I had the dealer install my newer stove and it took him a while just to screw and seal the adapter to the stove. When he got up he was all pale and sweaty and it was then that I knew I got my $ worth ;) He had the look like @*%#&$ customers and their minimum clearance installs! Lol

Getting to the point, I've been behind and under mine several times. I'm a fairly patient guy but boy, it can be VERY frustrating. Frustrating to the point mistakes can be made out of haste. Among others, fastening the fines box cover can be one of those areas.
I just checked the fines cover box and it was Not on flush. Just re-secured it back on right

SaWeeeet! Yes, Spock's logic is flawless as usual. Fire her up!
I have a corner install too but for those reasons is why I pull it out. I added felt to the bottom of the hearth pad, takes a bit of work but I can slide it by myself without too much effort.
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Last year I did a clean out on my Harman P38.Mine has a little clean out door with two screws under the burn pot.I had put it back together but left a small crack at that clean out door.I was getting a yellow dirty lazy flame.Besure to check the little things.
I have a corner install too but for those reasons is why I pull it out. I added felt to the bottom of the hearth pad, takes a bit of work but I can slide it by myself without too much effort.

Yep, same here. Those felt pads are great.
Getting to the point, I've been behind and under mine several times. I'm a fairly patient guy but boy, it can be VERY frustrating. Frustrating to the point mistakes can be made out of haste. Among others, fastening the fines box cover can be one of those areas.

Yes, nothing beats the hard learned lessons of experience. Good call sir!
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Last year I did a clean out on my Harman P38.Mine has a little clean out door with two screws under the burn pot.I had put it back together but left a small crack at that clean out door.I was getting a yellow dirty lazy flame.Besure to check the little things.

It's usually the small stuff that'll KO a Harman. Cover those bases and they're like an unstoppable rebel force!

Did I just jinx myself?
I sense a disturbance in the force ..err..jinx is human fallacy where one believes the impossible can happen because they said it won't. I believe the human antidote for this is "knock on wood".
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