Hi everyone! New to the forum. Need some help! We've been living in our home for 10 years now, and using our Harman Accentra pellet stove (it was already in the home)with no problems until this year. Have it professionally cleaned yearly, and clean it out about once a month myself(pull everything out of the inside and ashvac all and slots on the sides. Been burning same brand of pellets every year as well. This year it started to make this loud humming (the only way I can describe it) that goes right into your skull! I found a video that described cleaning out dog hair from the distribution fan underneath, and as we and the previous owners have dogs we gave it a shot. Pulled stove out,tipped forward and cleaned the fins. They were dirty,but not full of hair as I suspected. (I've never seen the stove cleaners do this by the way) Gave everything a good vacuum while I was inside the fireplace hole. Put everything back,even did the test run before putting stove back in place. Sounded good. Started it that night, same loud humming, and now the distribution fan is rattling!! Grrrrr
! So I took some videos. The first one is without the humming, just the distribution fan rattling. Second video has the loud humming sound. I know we're going to have to replace the distribution fan, but is that what's making the humming sound too? Really appreciate any help on this! The noise is driving us crazy! Thank you!!