Seems like the wood boiler could spend a lot of time ready and willing to supply heat, but the 401 will keep it valved off when it's most needed.
That's the way I understand it. That Tekmar control is for a SINGLE boiler, either two stage or modulating, assuming I read the manual correctly.
It looks like RMan and I agree that the stage 2 output of the 401 is not going to work if the intent is to switch over to oil when the wood boiler goes offline. Neither can the stage 2 output serve to supplement wood boiler output if and when wood boiler falls behind temporarily, at least not in the case where the three-way valve is configured the way it is.
I think what you may want is to have a switch, in conjunction with a relay or two, that directs the stage one call for heat to the wood boiler or alternatively to the oil boiler as appropriate. It could be a manual switch to get you going, with the option of adding an aquastat to the wood boiler side that would automate the switch-over.
Once you're sure how you want the system to work we can worry about how to connect to the three-way valve and the aquastat.