rdust, do you know anyone who measures flue temps on a BK stove? How high are the flue temps that you can put your hand into the flue, "even with an extremely hot fire burning?" Could you put your hand onto the flue pipe with the combustor engaged and hold it there?
Why is there so much smoke going up the chimney when the combustor is not engaged? I bet the BK is less efficient than an EPA non-cat when it is running in updraft mode, as the secondaries are eating up some the particulate in an EPA not-cat even when it's not firing at full speed, right? That makes Webby's comment make more sense to me now:
"After the first 20 minutes I get no smoke at all on a 24 hour soak in the BK, that's clean!"
It belches smoke for 20 minutes and then you throw the bypass, and it burns clean for hours and hours?
Why is there so much smoke going up the chimney when the combustor is not engaged? I bet the BK is less efficient than an EPA non-cat when it is running in updraft mode, as the secondaries are eating up some the particulate in an EPA not-cat even when it's not firing at full speed, right? That makes Webby's comment make more sense to me now:
"After the first 20 minutes I get no smoke at all on a 24 hour soak in the BK, that's clean!"
It belches smoke for 20 minutes and then you throw the bypass, and it burns clean for hours and hours?