Ahh the locust you gotta love

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Nah, opinions are worse. Some people have MORE than one opinion. Don't know of anybody with more than one of those holes in their rear.

I too am intrigued by this lava rock idea, but I would really have to see some hard numbers on it. Something I don't think the OP is in a position to accomplish at this time.

As far as the byproducts of combustion are concerned, Alex is correct. With PERFECT combustion, the byproducts are heat, light, and water.

With hydrogen and oxygen being the only two fuels present, you get complete combustion where the only byproduct is heat, light, and water. Problem is it is really, really, really hard to get just hydrogen and oxygen in the burn.

Complete combustion is almost impossible to achieve. In reality, as actual combustion reactions come to equilibrium, a wide variety of major and minor species will be present such as carbon monoxide and pure carbon (soot or ash). Additionally, any combustion in atmosphericair, which is 78 percent nitrogen, will also create several forms of nitrogen oxides.

The only thing that we can not burn is the sox gases asin sulpher, The nitrogen, can be burnt down to nitrates, there is a certain heat range, were nox gases are burnt, but over I think 2400 on up it creates nox, I actuall think its up there at 2800 f. dont quote me.
Complete combustion cannot even be obtained by a plasma generator. Impossible with known technology.
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I just can't see how he's hitting these kiln temperatures with the stove in the videos.......that thing would be glowing red, especially the stovepipe. I think that the lava rock thing could be a good idea, when combined with a baffle, in a secondary burn stove(have the lava rock up where the secondary air comes in, it would act as a sort of catalytic converter......). But there is no way he's hitting 2400 degrees fareheit in that stove.....it'd be near melting.....
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At 2400 degrees, the internal parts of the stove would have the integrity of warm jello.

Complete combustion suggests 100% efficient = does not exist.
Sounds like a neat concept. People are going to be skeptical though, when you claim you get more heat from wet wood. Dry wood can "burn too fast", but not if you have a controllable stove. Since your stove is "airtight", I can't see how that could possibly be an issue.

The fact that water has a high specific heat does not in any way mean that you get more heat from it. It means you're wasting more energy turning the liquid into a gas. This takes tremendous (relatively speaking) energy to do. This is energy that could be converted to heat but instead is being wasted in the H2O phase change which is necessary before you can get rid of the water and burn the fuel.

There is a point where you can have too little water, but it's way below the moisture content of green wood.
Why not combine your idea with an efficient stove? You could burn dry wood getting longer burn times and increase heat. Also what kind of burn times are you getting with your stove?

That's the point right there. Control the air to improve burn time not lousy wood. If the system has any positive benefits it will be improved in the right setup.
This lava rock things sounds to me like a primitive catalytic combustor.
I just can't see how he's hitting these kiln temperatures with the stove in the videos.......that thing would be glowing red, especially the stovepipe. I think that the lava rock thing could be a good idea, when combined with a baffle, in a secondary burn stove(have the lava rock up where the secondary air comes in, it would act as a sort of catalytic converter......). But there is no way he's hitting 2400 degrees fareheit in that stove.....it'd be near melting.....
Steel begins to soften at 2800, Ding Ding your a winner with kinda how I do it, and the only way for me to get up to the high temps are with a chunk of tire in it. Period. I can do it, do more research before you come back, Small secret, the part that surrounds the lava rocks is made out of refractory cement, hmmmmmmmmmmmm.... Do you realize 65 years ago they said that we cant put a man on the moon, and we did!!! keep fueling me gentleman.
That's the point right there. Control the air to improve burn time not lousy wood. If the system has any positive benefits it will be improved in the right setup.
your on it, Spot on! Lets hear what they got to say about this, I made probably the first, lava rock muffler for a 220 cummins.
Is there a video with one of your stoves actually operating correctly? or are they all of you rambling on for 20 mins, calling your dog and burning your lunch? I'd actually like to see how the burn times and heat output are with dry wood, controlled air, etc...
Complete combustion cannot even be obtained by a plasma generator. Impossible with known technology.
How is what I am talking about known, not one of you believed that lava rocks could do this. Nor did the engineers at the power plant, not one stove company that i have contacted ever thought or even hear. THIS IS A NEW CONCEPT. and there are alot of people in this world that feel, that they have reached there peak of intelligence. I strive to learn at least one new thing a day. Also, through my research the space shuttle tiles, for rentry into earths upper atmosphere, 95% sure they could have been used there. LAva is made in the center of the earth, under extreme variables, ther is no way we can duplicate that by man made methoids. Look up KOMATIITE, it is a form of lava. Has the highest heat melting point 1700 c, I think?
Is there a video with one of your stoves actually operating correctly? or are they all of you rambling on for 20 mins, calling your dog and burning your lunch? I'd actually like to see how the burn times and heat output are with dry wood, controlled air, etc...
I have 44 videos, on there go to my channel and you will see, and i step by step build one with video. What exactly is operating correctly, supposed to mean? it's burning wood, cavemen did.
At 2400 degrees, the internal parts of the stove would have the integrity of warm jello.

Complete combustion suggests 100% efficient = does not exist.
It does exsist, educate yourself. You can completely burn something up to the molecular level. Two seperate people with masters degrees in chemical engineering, said it was happeneing. This is how it went. Took the samples from the flue, toook them and put them on the IR machine, and about 2 or 3 minutes later. the graph came up, and i looked at gary, he had a smile on his face and said this, its doing what you thought it was doing. Actually the high temps are inside the lava rock compartment.
Sounds like a neat concept. People are going to be skeptical though, when you claim you get more heat from wet wood. Dry wood can "burn too fast", but not if you have a controllable stove. Since your stove is "airtight", I can't see how that could possibly be an issue.

The fact that water has a high specific heat does not in any way mean that you get more heat from it. It means you're wasting more energy turning the liquid into a gas. This takes tremendous (relatively speaking) energy to do. This is energy that could be converted to heat but instead is being wasted in the H2O phase change which is necessary before you can get rid of the water and burn the fuel.

There is a point where you can have too little water, but it's way below the moisture content of green wood.
Your smart, i like intelligence !!! This is how i do my wood, I do a fall cut, after the the leaves have fallen off the tree. this is how i know the sap is n ot flowing through the tree. feel me. It will be dryer from the word go. When you do a spring cut, got to do it before the buds on the tree show. if ther are buds on the tree then you know that there is water flowing through it. I leave the door open for a while to get the outside of the log toasted and burn the residual water, then shut it down. the interior of that log still has moisture, yes. but, all that water can not all come otu at the same time. it slowly releases itself. the fire can keep up with that. Bet. there are tricks to my madness. they work for me. All this started BECAUSE I LOVE BLACK LOCUST. the only wood I will burn green.
Steel begins to soften at 2800, Ding Ding your a winner with kinda how I do it, and the only way for me to get up to the high temps are with a chunk of tire in it. Period. I can do it, do more research before you come back, Small secret, the part that surrounds the lava rocks is made out of refractory cement, hmmmmmmmmmmmm.... Do you realize 65 years ago they said that we cant put a man on the moon, and we did!!! keep fueling me gentleman.
Man actually landing on the moon is a HUGE debate :) have you seen the flag blowing in the wind;)
Man actually landing on the moon is a HUGE debate :) have you seen the flag blowing in the wind;)
yes, i have seen the flag blowing, weightless enviroment, the same reason they have to pee into a vacuum. if you took a sheet from your bed, do you think its gonna turn into a ball. there are cosmic winds!
Is there a video with one of your stoves actually operating correctly? or are they all of you rambling on for 20 mins, calling your dog and burning your lunch? I'd actually like to see how the burn times and heat output are with dry wood, controlled air, etc...
Type in McGuire Stoves on youtube, 44 of them. there are ones with thermometer.
It does exsist, educate yourself.
Sorry, but no. Educate yourself.:mad: Nothing...absolutely nothing in the cosmic universe is 100% efficient. Period.
I've seen enough of this thread, its starting to make me want to burn my vinyl siding, windows, and even my dog in my limestone-bathtub hybrid stove with a 2' smokestack and wet toilet paper on top for a rain cap......

I'm out........
Scotty's limestone-bathtub hybrid stove with a 2' smokestack and wet toilet paper on top for a rain cap is 118% efficient.
it's around 125% efficient when you put fresh (green) poop in it......but he neighbors HATE me now....;)
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Locust ...................... the one wood that my property is devoid of........................... have never found a single one on the place!
And here I thought all the pending Dennis reply posts were exaggerating about his response :-O But anywho, 80 degrees Dennis ? Really ? holy cow when it gets to 76 in my house I start opening windows its so dry and hot :-)
I love trolls. Especially ones with blue pointy hair.
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I saw the video of your inefficient and dangerous setup.

Be careful you don't hurt yourself and BTW did you say... "choochin' "?
This may well be Pooks cousin Chooch !
Me thinx .
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