Minister of Fire
Looks very good to me. 4hrs > 1000F seems about right, 20 min to 650 on a cold start is about what I am seeing too.
When you start from cold do you use a few small splits and let them cook down to coals before you load up? Do you throw the cat in while you are making the coal bed? Or just burn in bypass?
For your amusement here is a burn gone bad from yesterday.....
When you start from cold do you use a few small splits and let them cook down to coals before you load up? Do you throw the cat in while you are making the coal bed? Or just burn in bypass?
For your amusement here is a burn gone bad from yesterday.....
- Stove was pretty cold, just a few coals left so I raked them to the back and loaded the stove chock full.
- Took a very long time for the load to catch, even with full air and cracking the ash pan door.
- Engaged the cat at flue = 600F, dialed air down to 50% at 1100.
- All seemed fine and then the cat temp launched (20:45) with no input from me. At the same time I heard the whoosh of the combustion noise from the secondary.
- When it hit 1400 I dialed air down to 0% and closed my key damper, killing the draft. Did not seem to do much good.
- When it launched again up to 1600 I opened the damper and increased air to 25% in order to get more primary combustion going...
- Once the primary burn was showing active flame I closed the bypass and all seemed to be fine after that.