Loading N-S onto sparse coals, the load will burn in faster since the air comes in above the glass and can flow down the length of the splits. You'll get more flame heat and smoke to the cat more quickly. If the cat is still pretty hot and you are loading on a bigger coal bed, you could load E-W (crossways.) Not a whole lot of difference overall, I don't think. If you load E-W, you can do the BrotherBart "tunnel of love," where you make a trench in the coals, front to back, to allow more air through to all the wood.
On a cold start you could also employ a "top-down" start where you put a couple kindling or smaller splits on top of the bigger stuff. It takes slightly longer to get the load going but it's a cleaner start since the smoke from the wood catching below rises into the flames above and is consumed. Flames on top of the load also heat up the cat area more quickly, and you can more easily feed a little flame heat to the cat after you close the bypass to kick it off quicker.
If you live in a populated area, the cleaner you burn, the more the neighbors will like it.

BTW, where in IN are you? Always good to see another Hoser on the forums.