Take one of your pieces of wood that is split, then split it again and stick your moisture meter in the fresh face in 3 spots (see below)
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Booyaaa. Please do this on a random set of splits that are up to room temperature (70f or near it) and advise the group what you are reading. If you need to bring the splits indoors overnight prior to re- splitting and testing, do so. Many moisture meters are calibrated to test correctly at 70f or near it. Test the freshly exposed surface on the new split. As shown. Press the prongs in firmly. Should be a more definitive answer to the wood moisture conversation.
Also. are you following the operation manual closely for start up? Generally it will get you pointed in the correct direction nicely.
Sweet looking install by the way! Welcome to Hearth. Hang in there. Your initial frustration will likely melt away soon
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Booyaaa. Please do this on a random set of splits that are up to room temperature (70f or near it) and advise the group what you are reading. If you need to bring the splits indoors overnight prior to re- splitting and testing, do so. Many moisture meters are calibrated to test correctly at 70f or near it. Test the freshly exposed surface on the new split. As shown. Press the prongs in firmly. Should be a more definitive answer to the wood moisture conversation.
Also. are you following the operation manual closely for start up? Generally it will get you pointed in the correct direction nicely.
Sweet looking install by the way! Welcome to Hearth. Hang in there. Your initial frustration will likely melt away soon