OK, we'll need pics from your perch on the cliff, to better assess the particulars of your situation.

That's gotta be a first; The BK, KING of the no-heat-output burn, is still running too hot.

If you have a tight house, plus solar gain, there are probably quite a few days where you don't have to start a fire at all...?
You could try partially plugging the hole in the air inlet plate, but under normal conditions (no wind, normal draft) you would have to make sure you don't close down the air too far, or the cat would stall. I guess from what I read, most BKs will stall the cat if you turn the air too low.
I don't know how cat stoves can pass the EPA tests when the cat can be stalled by cutting the air too much, yet they require the non-cats to keep burning clean no matter what...you can't stall the reburn, even by cutting the air all the way..???