He just means, "don't slam it from full throttle to 30-hour burn mode in one motion," as this will cause backpuffing issues on some installs. Lower it a little, wait 5 minutes for the fire to stabilize at intermediate burn rate, then lower some more. Two or three steps from inferno to low burn, over ten or fifteen minutes will cure most backpuffing issues.
Holy crap, have you ever found a way to complicate something dirt simple. If you can't imagine a clock in your mind's eye, without the aid of numbers, maybe you shouldn't be operating a wood stove. [emoji12]
My t'stat knob turns another 180-degrees below it's lowest effective setting, where the air control is completely slammed shut on a cold stove, so what is this by your system? Negative 50%? Or if we say the operational range is 0-100%, then my knob turns -300% to +100%, given the ineffective range beyond air fully-closed is three times the range of settings where the t'stat can actually function? Where is your "zero", when it doesn't correspond to a physical stop, or label on a knob?
I'll stick with "o'clock", or the old BK label numbers, thank you very much.