Hey guys, i called a reputable dealer/ installer in BC and explained my issues. He has a BK in his house so we were able to talk "apples to apples" kinda thing. Guy was great, i explained everything and he agreed that it sounds like it needs a damper. After he called BK head office, they both agreed this is what i need to try, as every other think he asked me to check iv alread done and more. I hope it will make a difference. Hes blaming my 7" pipe.
And the stove will not heat my house at 1.5 unless its +5 deg C outside. Last week it was - 30 deg C and we froze! As far as the settings go, why bother to put a 1, 2 or 3 or just give people the option of turning these stoves up if they wont take it? Its a wood stove for god sakes! If i cant turn it up a bit when Canadian winters hit hard then il buy something that will. My 30 year old Selkirk stove did it last year why shouldnt this
Heres a nice list of all iv done,
Changed the thermostat- no difference
Tighten up door and bypass- little difference
Checked ash plug- good
Checked my draw- .07, little bit high but was ok BK said
Checked and cleaned the pipes- No difference
Had the stove and pipes inspected by installer and dealer- no know issues
Checked the stove for cracks and pipes for leaks- no know issues
Tried all different settings, fans vs no fans, loading sequences, etc- no difference
Complain to the wife and turn up the propane funace as i rack my brain- constantly
Im sure il think of more later

I really appreciate all the info you fellas are relaying thanks!