j-takeman said:
Blazers=274ºF Holy Cow!
Why can't we get more Douglas Fir brands in New England??? Logistics. Errrr!
BTU, You there? What is the density of your Clean Burn doug fir pellets? The Blazers were only 42.45 LBS/CuFT and Look at the heat on them. They say the fiber doesn't matter. Hah! I want more Douglas Fir! Just aint fair I tell ya! :sick: >:-( :sick:
You simply can't get the Douglas Fir pellets from WA or OR back to NE and have a retailer be able to retail them under $300...($325-$350 is more realistic). Find me one or two other retailers that are willing (or their customers) that will pay these prices and I will get some back there. But too many people are only interested in what they can buy the cheapest at and as you can see, a Douglas Fir pellet won't fall into that category.
You have some excellent brands on the West Coast, Clean Burn, Bear Mtn., Atlas, Pinnacle Fir and that is just for starters, but until the railways will either lower their rates or truckers start working for free....don't expect to see these products anytime soon in any volume on the East Coast. Another thing to consider, is most of these mills aren't as large as some in the mid-west or back east and simply don't have the volumes to move. Their local markets support these pellets pretty well, so there just isn't the pressure to move this product to other markets like some other products.
Any mill that has access to shipping ports also is involved with export and that could also play a key role why they don't play in the retail market as much. Larger volumes, committed for a longer period of time and don't have the same hassle as bagging/palletizing and trucking/railing to another market, when they can ship bulk to a port much closer.
Know this isn't what you probably want to hear, but the facts are what they are. If you want a REALLY GREAT Douglas Fir pellets anywhere in NE, it will cost big time and with as many good pellets already available at probably much less cost, I don't see any sort of substainable market to support bringing in any real volume to satisfy this niche.
If some dealer or group of clients (working thru a dealer) want to buy some at these levels, I would be more than happy to help, but so far, my phone hasn't been ringing off the hook for me to supply DFir to NE at over $320 per ton.... :shut: