Quite the opposite, The meat I eat is being nearly fully digested, there is very little residue left to pass. Fiber is not digestible. Have you ever wondered why your gut tries to get rid of it as fast as it can? It doesn't belong there and it is an irritant. That's why so many people have IBS, and when they try the carnivore way of eating, their IBS is cured. Humans only have a small remnant of a cecum, your appendix. The cecum stores fiber until bacteria break it down into fatty acids. We evolved to eat meat and fat, we no longer needed our cecum, so it shrank into the tiny appendix, which can no longer ferment fiber.
The human digestive tract is anatomically very similar to that of the other great apes, that are primarily herbivorous. Chimps eat a small amount of animal protein, when they can get it. The major difference is humans have adaptations for better digesting starches.
Hunter gatherers also eat very small amounts of animal protein, less than folks eating the typical american diet. In general, they eat a lot of carbs, in particular, starches. They typically eat up to 100 grams of fiber per day.
Analysis of fossilized human poop from around the world suggests that ancient humans ALSO ate a lot of fiber, up to 100 g per day. Researchers found animal bones around campsites, and obv concluded that the humans ate animals, but whether the bones were collected in a month, or a decade is difficult to tell... and all that veg and tubers they ate didn't leave any bones!
The primary reason I switched to carnivore is to avoid cancer. I have the BRACA1 gene mutation. Cancer is a metabolic and mitochondria disease. Plant defense chemicals and inflammation from carbs/insulin damage our cellular mitochondria, which leads to damage and mutation. Cancer cells can only get energy from fermenting glycogen. If I am in ketosis, there is only a small amount of glycogen available in my blood, not enough to feed the cancer cells, they will starve and shrink. Many stage 4 cancer patients have shrunk their tumors to undetectable using the carnivore way of eating. Thomas Seyfried's book "Cancer as a Metabolic Disease" reevaluates the origins of cancer based on the latest research findings and several decades of studies exploring the defects in tumor cell energy metabolism.2 He presents an alternative origin of cancer based on the theories of Otto Warburg, wherein cancer is viewed as a disease of cellular metabolic dysfunction due to damaged mitochondria. Seyfried elaborates on a non-toxic mode of treatment, the ketogenic diet, which capitalizes on the inability of the damaged cancer cell mitochondria to metabolize ketones, thus starving them while maintaining healthy cells.1 The book addresses controversies related to the origins of cancer and provides solutions to cancer management and prevention.0
Cancer is many different diseases, the rate of cancers now is a bit lower than the in 20th century, but still higher than pre-industrial. I have not seen any peer reviewed studies that show cancer regression due to carnivore diets. I have heard similar anecdotal stories about plant based diets and fasting causing cancer regression, but I don't care for anecdotes. Eating meat (esp processed meat) and low fiber diets are associated with colon cancer. Dairy consumption (esp in adolescence) is associated with prostate cancer. Both major killers.
Mitochondria are complicated and there are lots of current papers about them, and keeping them healthy. I have never seen anything about carnivore diet and mitchondria.
As for methane, This planet has been inhabited with ruminant animals for millions of years. Bison, deer, elk, goats, sheep, many of the heard animals in Africa, all making methane the whole time. Why is that in the last few years it has become a problem? Maybe we should look at other parts of our lifestyle such as jetting across the country any time we please to see a friend or go on a weekend getaway. driving 10's of thousands of miles a year, burning coal and gas to generate electricity when nuclear plants create no co2.
The number of ruminant animals on the planet now is a multiple of the number that existed before humans. The vision of those huge buffalo herds centuries ago? We have far more meat on the hoof now in feedlots than back then. The amount of methane in the atmosphere is much higher now than 100 years ago. There are many sources, including leaks from nat gas production, and rice cultivation, not just animal ag.
My last thoughts are this, if you are experiencing any autoimmune disease, IBS, arthritis, type 1 or 2 diabetes, give carnivore a 30 day trial, what could it hurt? All type 2 diabetics are cured when they eliminate carbs. Type 1 can reduce their insulin dose. You may have a couple weeks of adapting with symptoms such as diarrhea, or keto flu, but once you are adapted, you will feel the positive impacts on your physical and mental health. This is my last response to this trolling thread. It is the first time I have expressed my views online on my way of eating, and frankly, it has consumed too much of my time and interfered with my sleep last night.
Elimination diets help lots of people with lots of diseases. The trick is finding an elimination diet (or a weight loss diet) that is sustainable for YOU, that is, you can eat it forever. The carnivore or keto or vegan folks will all claim that their diet is more sustainable than the others. But you can argue that any healthy diet you find that you can live on be happy is the right one for you. I think it is important to talk to your doctor, and have blood work done, but if your doctor is happy, then go for it.
Sorry you think I'm trolling you.