That's terrible and now even the moisture content is questionable as well and I still need to deal with my wood people for the first time when I go and buy wood after my little wood shed is built to try to get real dry wood so that I can learn how to use my wood stove when it is put in and the prices here for wood is "terrible" but I will take it by ear and see what I am up against trying maybe for about 1/2 cord just to start and have it dry out the rest of the way in the "coming wood shed" someday but these things take time especially when I do not know exactly what I am doing--lol lol . I have an idea about saws and wood holders with straps or not and need to get suggestions about the temperature gauges and what kind to get and should I buy them off my stove dealer--don't know just yet.. I am green like the wood.. lol lol.. Sorry about that cheat job on you but you have the wood---good for you girl--whats money--as I cry---I would like to drive to that old jim bears place in Iowa and pick up some wood--posting of picture before this and his wood pile sure does look beautiful --good for him...Now that we B some its nice meeting you girl..thanks for the story...clancey...