Work Done in 2021

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Well, even though I can't 'wood' right now, I managed to scrounge a load of wood! A coworker had a big spruce tree dropped and offered me some of the bigger rounds. Knowing that I couldn't load, they even offered to load it into my truck! What a great snag :)

[] Work Done in 2021[] Work Done in 2021[] Work Done in 2021
You've discussed your recovery a bunch here @MissMac may I ask what you had done? It's great that you're on the road to recovery and still getting out there! There's never a bad time for free wood!!! Just dont tell our wives! ;)
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Today I burned most of the pine from the stuff I c/s a few days ago. We had a nice rain overnight and again today so things were wet, the heaviest of the rain will come in later this afternoon.


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That's a neat tale MissMac and hope your doing better...I have the same type of tale too...I went and got those deck blocks and both me and my carpenter are senior citizens and we look "old"--lol lol ---at least I think so...Well anyway---out of the clear blue sky this young man appears and offers to put those blocks in my truck for us and right away did it...He said. "More people should do things like this" to help out people and we all agreed" and thanked him...Don't try to do too much with your arm but you need to keep moving it a little for exercise to keep it lubricated--lol---hoping it is well and normal soon...these things take time...clancey
You've discussed your recovery a bunch here @MissMac may I ask what you had done? It's great that you're on the road to recovery and still getting out there! There's never a bad time for free wood!!! Just dont tell our wives! ;)
Shoulder decompression and bicep tenodesis 8.5 weeks ago. I actually had my follow up with the surgeon yesterday afternoon, and he said that I'm making excellent progress in my recovery. He said it was obvious I've been committed to my physio, and I told him that I was serious about getting better because I've got things and stuff I want to be doing - like wood! :)
Today I burned most of the pine from the stuff I c/s a few days ago. We had a nice rain overnight and again today so things were wet, the heaviest of the rain will come in later this afternoon.
Oh my! How come you don't run that stuff through your wood stove? That would be a lovely outdoor fire to stand around though.
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Yea woodlands looks great to me and why not running it through the stove just like MissMac Now I have a question regarding small wood pieces like what the woodlands is burning..I have this left over wood that i kept and where do I store it? How do I store it because I am afraid it will fall down the slates in the wood? Its dry and should I bring it inside and put in my metal wood cages with the kiln dry wood coming today.,,,( 16inch split oak) coming from Ga.).. One more question: For my wood shed do you think that I should put another roof over that one to extend it out farther (overhang) on the front? Do you think that I should maybe put black roof stuff on it to absorb the heat better? Picture coming...What do I do with that small wood should maybe I get one of those pallets and put on top of the bottom of the little wood shed? Plenty of questions--lots of work to be done today--taking my vitamin...Glad your doing well Miss Mac and getting productive once again. clancey


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You can put the wood pieces in your metal racks. However, and this is very important, ask your carpenter if some of this is pressure treated wood and throw that stuff out. Burning that releases toxic fumes.

No need for heat absorbing stuff on the roof. The only reason to put something on there is to keep the roof panel from rotting (like shingles on a home).
Alright ---thanks....I am ready in a few months to burn and today I clean up the stove room--:"image that"- a "stove room"and wait for my kiln dried wood to get here...thanks stoveliker...clancey
Alright ---thanks....I am ready in a few months to burn and today I clean up the stove room--:"image that"- a "stove room"and wait for my kiln dried wood to get here...thanks stoveliker...clancey

You are in good shape: a stove room, a wood shed, inside storage, dried wood coming in, and a nice stove :)
Oh my! How come you don't run that stuff through your wood stove? That would be a lovely outdoor fire to stand around though.
I just have more Pine then we need, the stuff that I burned had been down a good 9-10 years so the outside was very punky.
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Yea woodlands looks great to me and why not running it through the stove just like MissMac Now I have a question regarding small wood pieces like what the woodlands is burning..I have this left over wood that i kept and where do I store it? How do I store it because I am afraid it will fall down the slates in the wood? Its dry and should I bring it inside and put in my metal wood cages with the kiln dry wood coming today.,,,( 16inch split oak) coming from Ga.).. One more question: For my wood shed do you think that I should put another roof over that one to extend it out farther (overhang) on the front? Do you think that I should maybe put black roof stuff on it to absorb the heat better? Picture coming...What do I do with that small wood should maybe I get one of those pallets and put on top of the bottom of the little wood shed? Plenty of questions--lots of work to be done today--taking my vitamin...Glad your doing well Miss Mac and getting productive once again. clancey
I just have more Pine then we need, the stuff that I burned had been down a good 9-10 years so the outside was very punky.
Well my wood arrived and the pallet wood broke so I had to go get a neighbor to help the truck transfer man load the wood so that they could get it on some type of motorized small truck and bring it up the driveway--I gave them both a tip as well..The wood is here--Yes...I covered it up with two drop cloths and it is encased in a clear plastic as well until I can get to it..Its going to rain here and it looks really bad and getting really dark....That was my work done today...clancey


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That wood will stay good like this for a while. I have older neighbors that I give some wood every now and then (they want short splits, as in 8-10", and I want long ones, so if I end up with log lengths that are 1.5 times my length, I cut, split, and give them the shorties), and if I don't stack it for them, they use two buckets with one or two splits in each to move it.

Long story, but my suggestion is to simply move the wood to your shelving in small steps. A few pieces each day and the jo will get done. It's safe and dry under your tarp!
That's what I was planning to do little by little until my helper gets back from Texas.., but little by little I might be finished---and it looks really like pretty wood too. It has bark on it and is this normal for I thought kiln wood was real clean like you people make your wood. Do I have to take the bark off of it or have my helper take it off--lol..These are splits about 16 inches for my stove takes 18 inches and I figured that this was a good size--all oak--that's all they had and I wanted mixed but only oak they had to ship by freight..I really feel ready now that the wood has arrived.. The man gave me the pallet and I think I might use it for something when its empty.. Next will be the fireplace business when my girlfriend gets back from her trip and we will make a day of it...thanks everybody for your help,,,clancey
Great. You can leave the bark on. falls off, no problem, but no need to take it off before you burn.
Oh my! How come you don't run that stuff through your wood stove? That would be a lovely outdoor fire to stand around though.
Oh my! How come you don't run that stuff through your wood stove? That would be a lovely outdoor fire to stand around though.
I have about five piles of pine logs from the clearing I did in 2018 for our new garage that are left like in the attached picture.

I take pine down to our neighbor so she can have a fire outside, can't get rid of it fast enough. Our bigger lot I usually cut on has a bunch of Hemlock and Pine down that I haven't even touched.

I still have the two piles of pine in the background in picture 1810 with three more piles in different areas.

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I started on what was left in picture 1969, the worst of the stuff went in a different pile in picture 1972 which will get burned in the outside fireplace, picture 1973 is what's left of the pile, picture 1974 are the rounds I'll be splitting and stacking for next years shoulder season firewood and the last picture is another bunch of logs that I want cut and split before winter hits.

I used an old scraper/snowbrush to clean off the pine needles and dirt with a timber jack for lifting the logs off the ground.

I counted the piles of pine I have left, it's six after today. Hopefully we get another wet stretch coming up so I can burn some in the outside fireplace.


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May I ask why those six were left and were not they good for something? Just curious since I am looking at my wood pile that I got and just wondering why...That was three years ago you left them on your property--would they be considered "dried out" and ready for burning laying on the ground --could you burn them now if you had too for your wood stove--meaning what exactly is "seasoned" anyway? clancey
Seasoning (drying) only happens after cutting, splitting, and (preferably covered) stacking. Logs do not dry. Wood in contact with the ground does not dry. Instead, they'll rot.
Oh I see....cannot anybody do anything with Rotten Wood? Maybe sawdust or something or chips or mulch maybe.? clancey
Depends on how rotten. If it's all soft I add them to my compost piles. If it's not too much hassle I'll chip/shred dead/rotten wood, but I don't put too much effort into it.