Work Done in 2019

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I found the camera!
The pile of rocks came from my driveway. I graded it again with the scarifiers set fairly low and tried to get every stone larger than my palm out. The stones were stacked under the posts and the perimeter of the mini barn. I have a few more piles to back fill with, but I'm going to top it off with some 3/4 crushed stone up to the tops of the wooden frame boards. The gravel will be topped with wood chips and should allow for drainage and ease of mucking. I'm hoping to get the roof up next weekend, or at least underway. So far I've been able to use leftover materials from other projects. The siding will be stained board and batten so I can practice before doing the house. For the roof I'm thinking B&B or metal, depends on which pencils out cheaper.


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Must be nice to live somewhere that you do not need a fence
around your pool . That's going to be a nice patio with Fire pit
Must be nice to live somewhere that you do not need a fence
around your pool . That's going to be a nice patio with Fire pit

No fence on an above ground pool but, ladder is locked and deck will have a gate with the railing.

Country living is great. I have to get permits but there are no inspections here for this stuff.

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I live on 800 acres and have a Township by-Law pools must
have 8 foot fence with locked gate (Pad Lock) Rules and more Rules
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Nice pool and fire pit Medic21, my brother is a mechanic and he see's the same things you are taking about with the newer diesels. When my 96 was starting to get up there and I was looking for a newer truck he steered me to early 07 or later for the dodges. It is still the 5.9 compared to the 6.7 and a lot less issues. My 05 is pretty much stock except the upgraded air filter. It is a six speed manual basic options rubber floors a truck! I work for the electric utility in my area and all our newer trucks and equipment that has the new emission stuff on it has nothing but problems. Our semi tractor had to have the motor pretty much rebuilt from the heat and problems the emission stuff caused to it and it only has 60k. Our new freight liner dump had to have the turbo replaced before 20k. When the new stuff works it is ok but they are always having issues. My 96 got 22 MPG and my 05 get about the same. Our one ton dump empty is getting around 12 that is brand new.
The cooler temps in the morning feel nice, we had 52 this morning. I did start taking more bark back in to fill in a low spot on a trail today.

I always show the wife the areas we'll be burning from just in case something happened to me so today I did that. We have 14 face cord of cherry,beech,soft maple,sugar maple,muscle wood and some yellow birch. In our second area we'll burn some wood from we have ironwood,yellow birch, the maples and beech.

In the softwood area we have a hair under six face cord for the shoulder seasons, fall and spring. We won't need all the wood listed but we'll have enough covered if winter hangs on like last year.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll start splitting more pine but have a few things going on before that will happen. On my ride back in today, I did notice part of a cherry down but it's in an area that doesn't have a trail to that area but we can fix that, I'll get pictures when I do the job.

If my face cord count is correct, we have 53 stacked of hardwood with a goal of adding another 10-12 before the snow gets deep, it's not the most we've had but it's enough.
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Oak. The bottom 15 feet is eaten up with bugs, it came over in our yard about 2 months ago

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Oaks nice, I've only scrounged a face cord that we seasoned for four years and then still pizzed some water out of some of the splits.
@thewoodlands, our property is full of oaks! And is has a lot of aspen as well. I’m actually getting ready to remove a lot of oak trees from our yard. Simply because the canopy doesn’t allow much sunlight through and we need to just open it up a little. Be bringing down a nice hickory too, may have to see if any family and friends want some grilling wood!

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@thewoodlands, our property is full of oaks! And is has a lot of aspen as well. I’m actually getting ready to remove a lot of oak trees from our yard. Simply because the canopy doesn’t allow much sunlight through and we need to just open it up a little. Be bringing down a nice hickory too, may have to see if any family and friends want some grilling wood!

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We've taken down some pines so the house gets more sun since we had the house built years back, we're glad we did it.
This cherry has been uprooted on a small sugar maple (damaged) since last winter I think, so today I hauled out one load. I have some rounds left along with what you can see in picture 9432 to the root ball in picture 9433.


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Just a few pictures of some splitting I did today, we have two years of shoulder season wood stacked so this will be piled stacked in an area that will need some cleaning up, the wood is white pine that was felled last year.

I did get some tarps out so we can cover our shoulder season wood tomorrow.


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Will pressure wash it off cut, and seal it. The concrete is dyed tan. Should look good.
I love stained & stamped concrete, to me its so much nicer then pavers and the relief cuts don't look to bad either.
First bunch of 2022 wood split today. About a 1/2 cord of shoulder season basswood. Got it done before it got too hot. Called it quits once I was sweating on the splitting wedge and the rounds and my shirt was soaked through. Which conveniently was the last round.


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Picture 9436 is the white pine pile I've been splitting from, pictures 9437,9438,9460 are from today with 9464 and 9465 all the wood I split from this bunch of white pine.

Picture 9462 is this years fawn who watch me split for an hour before leaving.[] Work Done in 2019


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Getting some of the wood inside, near the back door, now that the mid summer drought has dried the outside stacks up a bit. I use 1-1/2 conduit in the garage to straighten up the ends and make stacking easy. Run it up through the ceiling, then down into an anchored 2x4 with drilled holes. Fence wire between to pull in the ends. Woodchucks found their way in again to the outside stacks. They make cool grass nests, but they really need to find somewhere else to do that. The cat wasn't content watching wood get stacked, so found other ways to stay occupied.


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Yesterday we mostly finished installing the siding on the first floor east wall. Unfortunately I cut the left and right window trim too short so we were not able to finish everything yesterday. Due to time and costs the second floor on the east side will wait until next summer when we can bury the power lines and move the electric meter to the pole. The first floor south wall has strapping and is mostly prepped for siding and trim. Progress slowed when the scaffolding had to come out. We are hoping to get all of the exterior done before winter, with the exception of the second floor east side exterior wall.

We bought planed 1x12 boards and made them into our siding ourselves. The second floor will be done in natural cedar shingles with the same white trim on the corners and on top. It's not perfect, but I think it turned out pretty damn good.


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Looks great! Did you end up doing any z flashing above the window trim? I have board and batten siding on my house as well and I need to replace window trim on a couple windows.
Looks great! Did you end up doing any z flashing above the window trim? I have board and batten siding on my house as well and I need to replace window trim on a couple windows.
The window has several layers of flashing beneath the trim and siding. I'm using the white trim pieces also as battens. I do plan on using a piece of z flashing above the trim all the way around the house. It's probably not necessary, especially since I plan on flaring the shingles out at the white horizontal trim, but my wife wants it. Perhaps in time we will change our minds about the window trim/flashing as well.
I cleaned most of the covers for the firewood and then top covered seven face cord of hardwood, I'll top cover more after tomorrow. This year we'll top cover eighteen face cord of hardwood along with six face cord of shoulder season wood.
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