Hey, wait a minute--You stacked stacked wood? That sounds like the kind of back-tracking maneuver I do on a regular basis. 😖 😆
Are you a woodworker, or what becomes of the lumber?
Impressive stacks!
Thanks for the Black Ash pic. Appears that it's different than White Ash in a couple ways--has a more flaky bark than White, and an almost burnt-orange heartwood, with a contrasting light-colored sapwood ring..
Every time someone mentions "Ash," I look at their pics to see if it appears to be White. As far as I know, I've seen only White around here so far..
that looks like some good ol' White.
😏 Appears in about the same shape as the last one I got--slightly punky, but still solid enough that you feel like it's worth the effort. To me, anyway...
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Man, 30 is a lotta trees!😖 Maple? That bottom one, behind the big boy, almost looks like Cheery bark, but what I can see of the end cut doesn't look right..