Work Done 2023

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Gonna squeak a little work in here the last few days of 2023.
I have a bunch of Ashe trees dying. I cut down 6 yesterday and today. There are three bigger ones left there. Two in front, and one in the back. I might need some help on them. I think I can get the one in the front yard, but the tall one needs to be topped before I can drop it.

[] Work Done 2023

[] Work Done 2023

[] Work Done 2023

[] Work Done 2023

[] Work Done 2023
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Gonna squeak a little work in here the last few days of 2023.
I have a bunch of Ashe trees dying. I cut down 6 yesterday and today. There are three bigger ones left there. Two in front, and one in the back. I might need some help on them. I think I can get the one in the front yard, but the tall one needs to be topped before I can drop it.

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Yeah that one leaning towards the wires looks problematic
Yeah that one leaning towards the wires looks problematic
The trees in the middle of the wide view picture are pecan. I’m not sure if I’m gonna drop them. Problem with them is they have been shaded so long that they are leaning real bad. They would be easy to take down though. That pic wasn’t taken at the right angle to showcase the lean if the two in the background. Maybe you can see it in the close that has the trunks. The bark is starting to peel off them too.
Had this white oak taken down by my neighbor who owns a tree service. Way to big and close to the power lines for me to consider doing myself. He has a grapple boom with an attached 24 inch hydraulic powered chain saw that reaches to 75 ft. He nicely stacked all the logs and limbs into piles so I could easily get them chunked up. I had him take the main trunk with him. Maybe 20 years ago I would have messed with it, but now have to be nice to my back. Even so, I should get between 4 and 6 cords. My neighbor estimated it to be 300 yrs old. I'll post more once it's all split and stacked. Happy new year to all! Had to squeeze in one more post here😁

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It looks like some colder temps will be coming in, especially at night so today I did a full cleaning of the pellet stove. We haven't burned that many bags but since it's wet out an we received some snow overnight, I thought it would be a good day for it, not much ash came out of the pipe so that was nice.
In the above picture you can see the other big Ash tree in the left side background. That tree is dying, and dropping limbs as big as trees. It overhangs the carport and house, and is 4’ wide at the base.
That one will be fun, but would get a couple years of wood out of it. The pine needs to go too.

Here is the big one from the back yard with a wicker love seat at the base for scale.

[] Work Done 2023
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Since temps have been pretty mild here I cleaned out the basement stove, the pipe and the chimney. The weather should be back to normal temps by the beginning of the week. I have not been burning alot since temps have been in the 40's and 50's. I have been keeping the kindling barrel full and the garage stocked in between the rain. I'm ready for things to freeze the mud is getting old.
Since temps have been pretty mild here I cleaned out the basement stove, the pipe and the chimney. The weather should be back to normal temps by the beginning of the week. I have not been burning alot since temps have been in the 40's and 50's. I have been keeping the kindling barrel full and the garage stocked in between the rain. I'm ready for things to freeze the mud is getting old.
We're sick of the rain and mud too but our temps are dropping so things will be rock hard soon.
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My work for the season is well underway, I have the full week between Christmas and New Years off so this is always my chance to get a good start on the firewood. I start by taking down trees I plan to turn into firewood, clearing the trails, cleaning up windfalls, etc. My early season wood is always the tops, smaller limbs, etc. All hand split with my trusty Fiskars X27. This year a good part of that is taking down dead and dying ash trees. So sad. So far I have somewhere between 1 1/4 or 1 1/2 cord cut split and stacked. 6 loads on my Polaris Ranger. The logs are laying in the woods waiting for some good hard freezing weather so I can get the tractor into the woods to drag them out to the woodpiles. So far it has been so warm there is zero frost. I sure hope it come soon, it probably will!

A lot of people do not understand the satisfaction that comes from this work, and a nice full woodpile, but I know most of you do!

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Bucked up two dead standing Ash. The one in the pic has been snapped off at the trunk for over a year and was hung up. Finally came down in the recent stores. We have had close to 8" of rain the past few weeks. Decided I better cut it up and get it out of the swamp before it is soaked

[] Work Done 2023
Today I ran around the property cleaning up different areas with the loppers, picture 4317 is the area I started and picture 4330 is what's left in that same area. I had the chainsaw with me but decided I would finish everything that needed the chainsaw later.

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Thanks for this awesome thread! I just joined the site having installed a new VC Encore stove and I have a trove of large trees I am bucking and splitting from clearing the front of my property last year. Seeing pics of everyone's trees and wood piles is really nice. I did all my dead/dry trees last fall splitting by hand, this year I borrowed my neighbor's splitter and now I can manage the bigger trunks 20" ++ diameter much easier.

Thanks for this awesome thread! I just joined the site having installed a new VC Encore stove and I have a trove of large trees I am bucking and splitting from clearing the front of my property last year. Seeing pics of everyone's trees and wood piles is really nice. I did all my dead/dry trees last fall splitting by hand, this year I borrowed my neighbor's splitter and now I can manage the bigger trunks 20" ++ diameter much easier.

Welcome to the site @spkay31 , we all like pictures. 👍
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[] Work Done 2023

Met this little guy last fall while my brother and I were hauling a major score.. Found about 12-15 cord of hardwood for free. Finally just got around to splitting it all a couple weeks ago.. Still have a pile laying out in the yard to stack...
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Met this little guy last fall while my brother and I were hauling a major score.. Found about 12-15 cord of hardwood for free. Finally just got around to splitting it all a couple weeks ago.. Still have a pile laying out in the yard to stack...
I haven't seen many of those lately, the hawk must be doing his job, We do have the thread up for Work Done 2024.