I've used my PH once this summer, during a power outage, to cook and for evening light. It was quite warm out, so windows were open and fire was small. Fire started pretty easily and we were quite comfortable.
I love this beautiful stove which does exactly what it was designed to do: heat a LARGE home in a COLD climate VERY efficiently, VERY comfortably, VERY safely, with reasonable reload times. I have had fires last up to 16 hours. 12 hour burn is easy. Last winter I seldom filled the stove. I'm in zone 5, over 3000 sq ft, tons of very large windows, many facing due North. Burned the stove under 450 degrees stovetop temp except on a few very cold days. Three story house, 1450 feet per floor, First floor high 70's, second floor (bedrooms) high 60's, 3rd floor low 60's with no attempt to distribute heat. I used about 1 1/2 cords last year, my only heat source, burning Ironwood (primarily), Beech and Sugar Maple. Floor plan is very traditional, except that the whole North side of the first floor is one room, open to central hall and kitchen.
This stove heats comfortably in the shoulder season with one small fire in the evening. Starts right up from embers. Burns very completely.
A few minor issues that Woodstock has or is addressing.
I burned primarily large logs slowly. This stove puts out almost twice the heat of a fireview from much less than twice the wood, in my opinion. The loading door is nicely bigger than the Fireview's. but not big and restricts the number of large logs one can load. Split to smaller size, a lot of wood can be put in the firebox for production of a great deal of heat.