Fill that baby up, the wind will dry out the wood and it'll stay that way once under shelter.I have 6 or 7 cords on the ground to the left of the frame. It's been in the rain and will go through the storm tonight uncovered.
I wonder of I should start stacking it or wait until summer. What do you guys think?
We have sunny, rain free days from May until November or December. There is no rain at all during these months and it is very dry. Sometimes the rains will stop in April or even March.
We get a lot of rain from November to May. We are expecting 8" the next two days. We average 49" per year over these months.
The firewood is wet. Some is split, some is not. I am leaning toward leaving it until it stops raining and the sun is out for a couple of months. If I stack after work and over weekends it should dry out.