For some reason I'm thinking Chinese Elm sounds somewhat familiar. What's crazy is I may have bought that tree from a local nursery 20+ years ago to fill in an open spot between my and my neighbor's yard. I will split it this year after letting it dry some and use it next year.
I can see how they could be hard to split even with a gas powered splitter.
Jeez - 175 acres of hardwoods! You'll never have to worry about a wood supply.
I can see how they could be hard to split even with a gas powered splitter.
That tree structure looks more like elm than my fist thought of hickory. I don’t even bother with elm. I have 175 acres of hardwoods so I don’t have to put up with the aggravation of elm.
Jeez - 175 acres of hardwoods! You'll never have to worry about a wood supply.