I get my trees for $130/cord. He generally drops 1 or 2 tandem loads which rank out at around 6 cord/load. My supplier is a feller that has his own operation cutting and selling mostly maple and yellow birch (and sometimes a bit of beech), bidding for parcels of crown land and such, although I'm sure he also delivers other suppliers wood sometimes as well. Loads are usually 12" - 24" which is ok, but he usually sticks me with a couple of honking big trees that are a PITA..... Based on my operation for the past 2 years, I'd use an average of 42 cord per year, so that works out to something like 1 cord every 1.238095238 weeks..... Hey, I just realized, that sounds pretty good for a hobby that a feller does in his "spare time"...........

After all the processin, I sell an average of 75 bundles out of each cord at $5/bundle, which gives me $245/cord, or $1470 per tandem load processed, and a sore back sometimes.........