Who are you, where are you from..and what do you do?

  • Active since 1995, Hearth.com is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment.

    We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues.

    We promote the EFFICIENT, RESPONSIBLE, CLEAN and SAFE use of all fuels, whether renewable or fossil.
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Name: Chris
Age: 34
Location: Cheyenne, Wyoming
Occupation: Natural Resource Planner for the fedrul gummint; before that I was in the Air Force, and a few other jobs.
Education: BA environmental policy, SUNY Binghamton (NY); MPA, currently taking a couple online classes...
Burning history: Grew up with wood stoves, but this is our first EPA stove. Just enjoying being able to burn wood after the past few years in the tropics and then in California.
Hobbies: Hiking, fishing, cutting wood, anything outdoors; welding; and fixing up our new-to-us 1926 house. Looking forward to putting an elk in the freezer this fall since it will be our first hunting season in Wyoming.
Family: Married 5 years to a wonderful wife, working on kids (getting there is half the fun...:), two Norwegian Elkhounds, a cat, and a guinea pig.
Real Name: Todd
Years Burning Wood: 27
Location: NW Georgia Foothills
Family: Married 3 Kids 2.5yrs 4 Months & 6 Months (That"ll Piss Ya Off)
Occupation: Aircraft Mechanic + Inspection Authorization
Hobbies / Interests: Airplanes, Motorcycles, Antique Tractors, Wood Stoves, Fixin' Stuff (Usually For Free :ohh: )
Name: Travis(Frankenstein Big Ugly Ogre)
From: Central Maine, An unorganized Town Named Orneville Township about 10 min from our local conv. store, 45 min. from any movie theatre, and 45 from Mall. A farmhouse full of drafty windows and doors and even the floors.
Hobbies: Football fanatic watch it all including draft. NASCAR, Stock Car racing at Speedway 95 the closest race track to hear about an hr away.Cant wait to get back on track. Computers. Remodeling our farmhouse(what a lengthly and costly project redoing everything in knotty pine). And my full time job raising two lovely children and two basset hounds with my wife.
Burning: Starting in our family home as a child. When I got on my own thought wood is no fun burn oil. Started out 2008 season with a 1909 wood and Bishop home clarion cookstove, very pretty stove just not very fun to tend. We just recently added a Jotul firelight. Took me roughly two wks to get running right no thanks to my dealer. Everything I've learned I've got off this site.
Bone1099 said:
Family: Married 3 Kids 2.5yrs 4 Months & 6 Months (That"ll Piss Ya Off)

4 months and 6 months? How's you manage that? I'm surprised I didn't read about you in the National Enguirer! :)
Name: Shane Flury
Occupation: irrelevent, or possibly being irrelevent
location: Casper WY
Years Burning: 4 with pellets, 1 with wood in my own home. Had an 8 year "career" in the hearth industry and burned all kinds of units in our store.
Hobbies: none
Have a mutt chiuaua, a maine coon cat and a Rocky Bear cat, a wonderful wife whom I've been married to for 7 years now.
39 this year
Live in Crugers, NY about 40 miles up the Hudson River from New York City
College Dropout SUNY Purchse, NY
Stagehand, Electrics, Metropolitan Opera House, NYC since '00 but have worked in film, TV, Theater my whole life.
Burning stuff all my life. For heat since we bought the house in '03
We have the big ol franklin style stove that was in the house when we bought it. Looking to upgrade to something more efficient.
I am married to a beautiful and patient woman. We are raising her 17 yo son and a 5 1/2 yo Black Lab
When I have the time, I like to tend to the ongoing restoration of My '70 F350 flatbed (Flatbedford), Keep up the house and property, collect, cut, split and stack firewood, spend time with wifey on the boat in the summer.
I like just about any music. Neil Young, Bob Seger, Buddy Guy, Pink Floyd, Wagner, Puccini...
Other forums I read
most any place having to do with trucks, machines, boats, etc.
Webmaster said:
Flatbedford said:
Buddy Guy.

BUDDY......my man!
Seen him like 10 times, including at his club in Chicago.....love to play guitar along with some of his stuff....

I've seen him only twice. 1988 and 1997. He is playing near me this spring. I should catch him, he's not getting any younger.
Age : 27

Location: Well...... the house will be sitiing on my land, in Bonaventure, Quebec, Canada

Occupation : Technical advisor in the Wind Mill Construction everywhere in North-America (So far: (Iowa-Ontario-Alberta-Quebec-Colorado-Texas) So, I'm not in my home town very often, spend 8 days there in 2007.

Status : Married to a wonderful boiler maker daugther, so getting her to hit the road with me when we met, 4 years ago, was not really a hard things. We have 1 little girl, she's 2 weeks now....

Fire adict : Since I can remember, everybody here have a wood stove. So, when I was a Little billy kid, I was helping my dad, until I left home for school. The crazy thing is it was pi**ing me off to do it as a teenager. But once I left for the city, I start missing it a lot. First, missing the heat of a wood stove, second: missing spending time with my dad, and third: missing spending days outside in the wood lumbing, cutting and splitting our own wood. Since, I haven't live where there is a wood burning appliance in. And since 4 year, we're full-timing in a Fifth-Wheel, so...... But, we're building a house this summer. It will be our cottage... point of attache... storage room... the place to be when not working.. Or the place were the wife & the kid(s) will stay the day they want a break.. or the day they start school. I will defenitely have a wood stove or a boiler inside the house..... that wasn't even a question when we plan to build. Even If I only start it twice a year, it will be there.

And off course havind a wood stove will give me a good excuse to buy a bigger wood lot (with the excuse that I don't reaaly want to lumb on the land aroud the hosue as it will be the kids play ground). Then, I will definetley need a tractor... thath's not even a question :-P. After that, I will need a godd size garage to repair the old tractor I would have bought.... after that, realizing that this old tractor is always broke down, I will have to go and buy a brand new 4x4 one..... so then, I will need to build a barn to store the old tractor that I wom't use very often.... but I'm not going to sell it.... So it's crazy how a 800$ wood stove will cost me close to a 100k$ (But thats only a dream spread on 40 year)

I'm listening to all kind of music, but Mostly Country & Quebec Franch Rock & Pop.......

We have a Mini Chineese Shar-Pei

Hobbies: It's hard to have any hobby when working 3000 hour/year on the road..... but just In case I want to go back to hunting, last week I order a Tikka 300 WSM Hunter II , special edition stainless. And I use to fish, hike, do my own mechanic....... but, It will coma back mabye sooner than I tought, with the crisis, may only work 6 month a year for the next few one.....
Gregg in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia

Heavy Equipment Tech for the local Cat company, BA Chemistry

Wife is starting a fire in our new Englander 13 as I type this! Out with the Scandia...
looking for work in Michigan..

Early 40's
Used to work for a local bank runing their mail room/stockroom.

Cant afford to get my Englander 13 a pipe set yet to use it.

My wife and I are freeking out about lack of $$$ and I am at my wits end with this country allowing the Bankers to rip us all off!

All that is needed to stimulate our economy is Give the Homeowners who are out of work 250K and let us get out of debt and go buy some AMERICAN goods, then that
will put people back to work!........The Bankers are CORRUPT! and can get their Money from US all when we Pay down our mortgages and pay off credit cards!..they should NOT be getting our Tax Dollars free and clear to do with as they please, WE SHOULD BE GETTING THE MONEY AND PAYING OUR DEBT TO THEM OFF ..............!!!
The Bankers are CORRUPT! and can get their Money from US all when we Pay down our mortgages and pay off credit cards!..they should NOT be getting our Tax Dollars free and clear to do with as they please, WE SHOULD BE GETTING THE MONEY AND PAYING OUR DEBT TO THEM OFF ..............!!![/quote]

I agree with that !
who do you think gave the "corrupt bankers" the money? not the corrupt politicians who are spending our future now to give to the people who support their campaigns, and junkets? no way! who would ever believe it?! they are paying off the people who elect them!
I hope you like high taxes and no 401k, social security, or freedom, they already sold that!
My name's Dave, and I'm new to this forum.

I changed from an open fire to woodburner not too long ago, which is why I joined this forum, loads of experience here, you guys have been using woodburners far longer than we have over here!

I'm 54 years old, married, work as a gardener, and live in Dorset, England. Perfect job for me as I like working outdoors. Just wish there was more money in it, but you can't have everything, and with free fuel around when I lop a few customers branches here and there, it makes for a huge saving, after all, not only is the fuel free, it's tax free. I suppose it's my little way of beating the system!!!!
Real name: Jeremy

Age: 34
Married just about 3 years now, expecting our first child any day now.

Occupation: I work as a QA manager for a software firm that makes engineering software. I went to school for mechanical engineering (RPI).

Location: We live in an old house built in 1795 in a small town 30 miles west of Boston

Years Burning: 2 with the Encore, growing up we had an old resolute and a basement coal burner in the house since I was maybe 5. So Ive been around stoves almost 30yr.

gas powered R/C airplanes (I build from kits and plans)
Restoring the old house
camping and hiking - used to spend a lot of time up in the NH whites... less so lately
vintage stereo - I rebuilt a 60s McIntosh amp tube amp and use it with a turntable and set of speakers I built myself from lplans
cars - I do all my own maintenance and used to follow racing a lot (F1/Indy).. Took a couple road trips to Indy when they were running the US GP
In HS/college I used to be into sailing and target shooting also, but haven't done either in years (wife wont have guns in house)

Other BBS Sites where you hang out:

Only a couple of these to I post on with any frequency... and many others I lurk but don't post...
Name: Franklin
Occupation: Systems Analyst for a HMO company
Hobbies, like every good Dominican, I love to surf, snowboard and I enjoy being silly with my kids.
Burning wood for about 7 years.
I'm Bubba
From Birmingham
and I eat Balona
I Burn Beach and black birch
Interests are Baseball, basketball and ball room dancing.
I'm Chuck
From Cleveland
I burn Cherry and Chestunt
Interests include Clipping Lebron's picture from Cleveland Cavaliers photo's, performing in Gieco ads chucking wood
Dan from Davenport-
Wife- Denise
Kids- Diane and Devon
Work- Driver
Hobbies- Drinking & DVD's
Burning- Dogwood
Dog- Doberman
I'm DJohn
from DNew Hampshire
I work in Dsales,Dservice,Dsupport (should have held off for the S's) for stoves and stove things (Pellet and Wood mostly)
Im D35 years old (but I get carded all the time)
in past lives i was a hairstylist and a technical illustrator.
my hobbies are the guitar,concert going, camping,canoeing,reading fiction
I listen to YES, Jethro Tull and some other stuff too.
1 wife, 1 son (almost 8), 2 cats.
foiled again!!, i'm too slow.
I'm Earl from Erie
Wife is Ellen
Kids are Eddy and Evelyn
I build golf carts for EZ-GO
Hobby is eavesdropping
I burn Elm in an Everburn
For fire starter I use earwax
kenny chaos said:
Delta-T said:
, 1 son (almost 8), 2 cats.

I'm sorry for your losses.

thank you for your concern, cannibalism has a few "down sides", ya know.
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