Who are you, where are you from..and what do you do?

  • Active since 1995, Hearth.com is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment.

    We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues.

    We promote the EFFICIENT, RESPONSIBLE, CLEAN and SAFE use of all fuels, whether renewable or fossil.
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Name: Chip
Age: 63
Where Am I From: Grew up in Worcester, Mass. but have been living in Ann Arbor, Michigan for the last 42 years (winters) and in god's country (Trinity, Newfoundland) for the last 5 summers.
Occupation: cabinetmaker (semi-retired)
Interests: fishing, bird-watching, reading, jazz, and fixing up 125 year-old houses (I'm on my second one).
"ketoret" is the holy incense that was burned at the tabernacle, which was in
Shilo, which is where I live. That's about 25 miles north of Jerusalem and as close to being nowhere as a person can be and still find their way home. It's cool living on the edge of an archaeological site, and finding pottery shards 2000-3000 years old. Makes my 51 years seem, well, youngish.

Was raised in KY., but no burning in the family except an occasional cookout. I haven't started my burning yet - I'm building a masonry stove by myself with MHA plans, lots of patience, and email advice from the MHA gurus. Last few weeks I've been cutting down a cherry orchard for a friend and laying in a good supply for next winter. I also get nice straight 8" logs from Ariel Sharon's avocado orchard - these are just prunings to renew the trees. Getting used to a chain saw has been a religious experience - I never prayed so hard in my life.

I'm a high school teacher and tour guide, play tennis, read philosophy, physics, and classical Jewish texts, have 8 kids (that I know of) (no tv reception out here), hold degrees in Linguistics, International Law, and Education, and am the only University of Louisville basketball fan in the West Bank.

that's about all i got to say about that.
Name: Andy
Age: 32
Occupation: Process Tech for a corn sryup manufacturer
Where am I from? Boilermaker country! Lafayette Indiana
Hobbies: Playing with my kids Boy 6, Girl 3. Being outdoors, Motorcycles, hanging out with friends
from Ainsworth Iowa (thus SE Iowa) which is about 15 minutes directly south of Iowa City (Univ of Iowa Hawkeyes!)
I work 3 days a week as a pharmacist and 3 days a week plus evenings as a farmer (corn, soybeans and some hay).
Hobbies include hunting, raising 3 boys and some backyard chickens. Wife takes a little time too! Nudge, nudge!
age: 35

Aircraft mechanic (16 years)

I live so close to NH I could throw a rock into the Salmon Falls river (state border) from my house in ME. (my water is even from Rochester, NH public water supply)

I was raised around a wood stove from age 6 or so, until age 14. Been burning an OPB since oct '08.

hobbys: Rowing, Rollerblading, mountain biking, surf kayaking, boogie boarding, swimming, XC sking, boat building, reading, anything aviation, History, singing (bass), shooting.

Married 10 years august '09 to my hot wife, three beautiful children (everyone tells them that)(wife wants a fourth)

Music: Southern Gospel.

websites: Airliners.net, Hearth.com, Iburncorn.com, forestryforum.com, duckworks.com, newsmax.com
Just turned 60- Retired Navy Reserve Captain
Degrees in Dentistry (Marquette 1981) and Pharmacy (Univ New Mexico 1977).
Work part-time as hospital pharmacist in Tenn
Live near Shelbyville, Tenn Have five acres of mostly woods and will be burning wood for first time
next season. Just bought a Yukon Big Jack wood furnace and will install in spring
One hobby that consumes all my time and money-Aviation. Just restored a 1962 Piper Colt
and in process of building a Experimental Clipped wing Super Cub using some Colt wings.
Married with no children
48 year old , construction laborer, (pipe layer).

Live in S.E. Michigan all my life.

Burning for 4months now.

Enjoy working out in the yard ,tinkering with my '49 8n ford tractor,and motorcycling.
Seventy years old and still breathing. Have been burning since I was 16 and my folks had a small cottage with a fireplace. Taught elementary school for 33 years . NOW retired and enjoy x-country skiing, kayaking, cooking, and feedng two wood stoves. Also and EMT with volunteer ambulance squad and volunteer fireman. Wife anjoys wood heat also, she designed and helped build wood shed, a labrador ande two lap cats.Live in Schoharie county, NY.
Wildsourdough, AKA: Rick- vintage 1957- Job: Human Service- used to be called Social Work

Grew up in the getto's around Detroit, had my hippie days and trouble so had to get away- US Navy till Nixon left office. Then I had to get back to the land... British Colonbia worked till the mounties told me to leave, then OR, n CA, WA- then two in Alaska. Met a Great girl in Fairbanks, from Vermont... so Michigan or Vermont... No brainer, VT. Only one year, then New Hampshire and here we are-30 years this fall.

Many hobbies- mostly involving wood or computers. Like "Old Time Wisdom", Acient Wisdon and Ways and Tools, Wood Carving, Hiking, Puttering around the house, Gardening, Flight Simming, Fighter Simming, Driving Simming, Simming-Simming...
All over the web... but Hearth.Com is the only place I ever post to. Nice People- and it's nice to sit by the fire !
Jim 27 years old

I live near Jackson, MI
I work out of Ann Arbor, MI (I'm a U of M graduate, go blue!)

I'm an engineer at the EPA National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory
I work in a team that build hydraulic hybrid vehicles

Hobbies: motocross, soccer, watersports, working on the house, digging holes with my backhoe
Name - Patrick
Age - 45
Occupation - Plant Automation

Grew up on Long Island NY, but have lived in eastern PA now for about 25 years.

Hobbies - hiking, camping, reading, gardening, Irish whistle

Been burning wood for about 9 years, since moving into our current home which had a coal stove... didn't care for the coal, sold the stove and put in a Jotul Castine.
Name: Steve
Age: 47
Occupation: Chiropractor
Years burning: Grew up with a fireplace, had a stove in Woodland Park, CO and beginning year 2 with this stove
Hobbies: Surfing hearth.com, NASCAR (Go 17), C/S/S wood, watching the fire, used to have time to read
Music: Stevie Ray Vaughan, Mozart, Krishna Das, Johnny Cash, Robert Johnson, Bruce Sprinsteen, Luther College Nordic Choir
Married with 2 kids, 11 year old boy and an 8 (going on 16) year old girl
Name: Glen
Age: 315660 hrs. as of Feb 14th 2009 ( yes that includes the extra 24hrs for leap years.
BS in Atmospheric Sciences but have worked in the Marine (boat) industry for almost 20 yrs.
Married 5 years DINKS (dual income no kids) and keeping it that way.
Burning 2 years but grew up in a house with wood stove.
Live In Riverhead, NY right near wine county on Long Island. Wanna go wine tasting PM me my wife is in the industry and I'll tell ya where to go!
name , mike
age 43
location, tucked up in the foothills of the blue ridge mountains of Virginia
occupation, keeping the home fires burning (customer service manager for England's stove Works Inc.)
hobbies, Golf , fishing, camping, and obviously "playing with fire"
been loading woodstoves since my early teens , now working for the guy who built that stove i loaded as a kid.

no one should be allowed to die without visiting the Blue ridge parkway, any bikers out there , you wont find a prettier ride on a smoother road. if you decide to run the parkway let me know im 25 minutes off it.
Northern NH Mike said:
Name: Mike

Location: Whitefield, NH- 44.3224 Lat, -71.6249 Long, 1430 ft. Roughly 3 hours north of Boston and 30 minutes north of the Franconia Notch and the former Old Man on the Mountain, may he rest in piece :down:

What happened to him? I remember seeing him on a family trip when I was 12.
wendell said:
Northern NH Mike said:
Name: Mike

Location: Whitefield, NH- 44.3224 Lat, -71.6249 Long, 1430 ft. Roughly 3 hours north of Boston and 30 minutes north of the Franconia Notch and the former Old Man on the Mountain, may he rest in piece :down:

What happened to him? I remember seeing him on a family trip when I was 12.

he fell down on may 3,2003

the spot looks very strange now
[Hearth.com] Who are you, where are you from..and what do you do?
Name - Wayne

Age - 64 and retired. Actually retired first of April, 2008. I had a vision in February of that year that told me to pull my investments out of the stock market, liquidate my 401-K, sell my horses and retire.

Education - Degree in Physical Distribution Management (Transportation Logistics) If you own it, it most likely was hauled by a truck. My education was paid for while working part time as a cutter/logger. Cut pulpwood, tie logs and whiskey bolts. Also, worked full-time for the U. S. Forest service in the summer months, you guessed it...cutting trees.

I am a recovering back-to-the-land hippee from the 1960s, but have had a real job since 1977.

Location: Southern Wisconsin near Illinois border...Log cabin and acreage near the Wisconsin River in Grant County WI

I am married to a wonderful woman and soulmate and we have a son and two daughters.

Hobbies: Hunting, reloading, canoeing/kayaking, Black Hawk War history, archaeology, private landowner rights and 2nd amendment advocation. Saving prairies and oak savanna landscape.

Have been burning the same woodstove heater for 46 years. I am the third generation to burn the stove which was manufactured between 1900 - 1905. In my hippee days I purchased a Jotul 118 stove, but after three months of burning I traded it for a Ford 8N tractor and went back to burning the old Round Oak D-18. Many brands of cookstoves have come and went. My current cookstove is a Quick Meal.

Music: Marshall Tucker Band, Bob Wills, Bob Dylan, country music 1940s thru 1960s, Blue Grass, old time mountain music, i.e, music in the movie O Brother Where Art Thou.

This is a great website and I enjoy visiting...especially enjoyed reading the bio's of the cross section of members

The best to you all...you are welcome at my fire anytime.

In reading the bio's seems a lot of people from New Hampshire. I am trying to get in touch with some people I used to work with
in my younger days at the New Boston Satelite tracking station near Manchester (About 15 miles away) Does anyone know anybody who works there or used to. Also I can't even find the facility phone number and would appreciate that if possible.

Jim Miller (931)455-8662 [email protected]
Name Billy

Age 43

Network Engineer

Greenville Texas

Just bought a Lopi insert that I will install myself. Had a couple of fires in the fireplace.

Wife and Kids.

I like watching high school sports. BBQ when the weather's good. My wife gets me to ride the horses every now and then. Fishing with the kids.
Just took up the Guitar.
Name is Peter

Location: South River, NL, Canada

Age 29

Years Burning: All my life. For years in my parents house. Just installed a Pacific energy Pacific insert in my house and loving it.

Occupation: High school Science teacher; Degree in Biology, minor in Chemistry, second degree in education.

Hobbies: Enjoy salmon fishing in the summer. Ptarmigan hunting with my dogs in the fall. Duck and goose hunting when I can. Playing guitar, knowmobiling.
Engineer at Ford in the fuel economy / emissions arena
West side of Detroit - grew up in the 'burbs of Chicago.
2nd Season with our PE Summit and starting to get the hang of this wood burning hobby.

Loves: dogs, classic rock, working on stuff, mostly cars, but I've done boats and houses too.
Age: 49

Where: From Wisconsin, lived in England, France, Ecuador, and Puerto Rico as well as a long stretch in Illinois, also some years on and off a sailboat in the Virgin Islands. Returned to my native Cheeseland 6 years ago.

Education: BS and MS in computer science, but quit/retired 10+ years ago from the rat race of work.

What I do: Girl Scout leader, school board member, political activist, garden a lot , can and freeze produce, and split wood a lot

Family: married almost 23 years to a great guy, plus have several siblings, half of whom are crazy! No kids (we keep trying ;-) ) or we couldn't afford to both be retired.

Burning: 3+ years, but I've been a pyro all my life, starting with setting the backyard on fire with my brother when I was 4 and he was 6. Only had to cal the fire dept. once about 15 years ago.

Music: classic rock, anything metal, punk, some newer alternative stuff, some classical. Faves are Led Zeppelin, Patti Smith, Deep Purple, L7, old Offspring, Nirvana

Hobbies: reading (science fiction, old English novels a la' Jane Austen, anything by Barbara Kingsolver, sometimes mysteries)
gardening, going to festivals, eating, hanging with my friends, appreciating cheap beer and Leinenkugel's Berry Weiss.

Other BBS: GardenWeb, FrugalVillage
Name: Charlie

Age: 35

Occupation : Ex Truck Driver, Now Furnace Installer (I hired an outfit to come put my heat pump in and wound up going to work for them as an installer. LOL)

Location: Steubenville, OH , about 45 min. West of Pittsburgh, PA

Years Burning: Since I was a kid. Momma used to call me "Pete The Pyro"

Hobbies and such: ATV's, Hunting, Shooting, Reloading, Welding/Metal Fab, Computers (built my own), Carpentry (was a framing and finish carpenter in a previous life), Single dad of twin boys about to turn 13, Paintball, Movies.
I'll bet a party with you all would be one to remember, or not ;). What an incredibly diverse and interesting group of folks.

Name: Andy

Location: Our little 5 acres on the side of a mountain in southwestern virginia. Its one of the few thiings I live for.

Occupation: Currently a managing engineer working in academia (Virginia Tech). Formerly environmental engineer, mechanic, research scuba diver....

Education: BS, Mech. Eng; MS Civil Eng., Professional Engineer license, master mechanic, black belt, lots of mistakes made

Age: 49 and all that grief I've given my body over the years is starting to catch up with me.

Burning History: Last 10 years

Hobbies: fixing up the house, gardening, snowboarding, motorcycling, electronics, soccer, whatever I'm interested in this week

Family: Married 25 years to a very tolerant women, 2 boys about to go off to school and leave me handling the firewood and the rest of the chores all by myself. 4 dogs, and a cat.
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