Generally BB places run loss leaders (losing money on purpose) for several reasons. One is to drive competition under. They are a chain and can make up the loss on volume and sales at other locations. Once the competition goes under, their prices float to the previous (or higher) levels and they make a profit on the sales and gain market share. The other is to drive customers into their stores. Like any 'sale', you go in to buy stuff cheap, and maybe you buy something else while you are there, or you will come back and shop there again in the future. Its the way these places drive others out of busienss, and WalMart and Costco prevail. Another way for them to make money is to buy in massive volume. BB stores cut deals on large lots ahead of time, and manufactures give them a great price as they know they are assured a large volume of product over a long period of time. Places like CostCo will also buy lots of what I call "stranded merchandise," stuff that is sitting in a warehouse or truck that cannot be moved to its original destination, for whatever reason. Or it is about to expire on its date. Maybe weather is preventing it from being moved, or an order is cancelled, or a payment cannot be made by the buyer. So they buy the stuff up... on the cheap, and sell it for cheap. Product also commonly get dumped on BB stores to avoid inventory taxes. They can move that stuff pretty fast, and it does not sit in a warehouse someplace and get taxed.
I was at Costco this weekend and noticed that most of the stuff I buy is cheaper at other BB stores. So I am gonna let my membership there expire this year. WinCo and Home Depot are cheaper. Home Depot is really weird, or does not understand the internet very well. You can get a new 30-NC stove at some of their stores shipped to your door for 650. They are competing with their own local stores that way, for whatever reason. The local HD store price of a 30-NC is 900. It may be a way for them to get rid of excess merchandise at specific sites though, so maybe in the end they make out on the deal. *shrug* They may get a store volume sales compensation, and they are doing it for bonuses. Or they are trying to ramp up internet sales. Hard to say these days what drives some sale prices, but loss leaders are pretty standard in the BB stores. Buy it now for less always works to get customers into the stores and messes with competition. Its a thin margin in BB though, and they survive on huge volume. If volume drops, places that cut it too thin go under, like Circuit City. Best Buy is having the same problem and may not be around much longer either.
cant argue with anything you said, Stihl.....lets call some of these prices Predatory Pricing then?