I'm just fooling around with numbers, thinking about a pellet boiler. Since I buy logs, the raw material might be half of pellets. Pellet stoves, and I imagine even more so pellet boilers, get better efficiency than my epa wood insert as well. Never mind the work and expense (gas for instance) of cutting up and spliiting a log truck load. The moving of material around, here to there to there, etc, would be much less. The loads that have to be lifted, though, could be greater or equal with pellets, since you're handling 40 lb bags instead of splits (I try to lift the rounds as little as possible). At the end of their trail, each bag would also have to be lifted up to the hopper next to the boiler. This is neglecting a bulk storage, vacuum transport, etc.
Anyway, just thinking. Thanks.
Anyway, just thinking. Thanks.