You all make some wonderful points but I do need to make it easier on myself and I am checking into those saw dust bricks because the little that I would burn the rest of the expenses at this time would just not be worth it at this point in my life. But all these wonderful suggestions are great with the knowledge that they give me for at least I know that wood can be split with the proper tools and which ones to use..When I go out to lunch "someday" with my girlfriend that fireplace place that sells stuff will be a new adventure for me..I do need a certain amount of stuff that I would like to have like some gauges for moisture and temperature on the stove pipe. For a start I am going to get 1/4 cord of wood and "play with it" as well as asking them to cut it shorter for me to put in the little shed. I plan on about 17 inch length because my stove takes 18 inches and I do not want to cram it in too tight and then split those as I learn and get more confident to do this as the wood gets drier and drier but in the beginning I am going to check into those sawdust bricks just to make it easier on myself and not have to "go industrial" at this time...What I need is to airmail one of you lumberjacks here to cut wood for whole seasons for me--lol lol.. thanks everyone so much for all your help, encouragement and knowledge...clancey