I should do a similar diagram, my stacks are pretty unorganized but it all makes sense in my head. its difficult to keep track of scrounged wood because of the variables of when i get what species and how long they have already been cut for. if i got log length of 5 cords all delivered at once it would be easy, my past scrounges have gone in this order: Half a cord of green oak and a little bit of pine, followed by 2 cords of very well seasoned (about 5years) cut and split mixed hardwoods, followed by 1.5 year cut but not split mixed hardwoods(ash,oak, black birch (2.5 cords) followed by 1/3 a cord of 1-2 year seasoned oak, some split some in rounds.
long story short, my wood is VERY disorganized but i have tried to separate the "seasoned" wood from the green wood.
long story short, my wood is VERY disorganized but i have tried to separate the "seasoned" wood from the green wood.