Minister of Fire
Agree on TSC brand ((Indeks). Having good luck with Lignetics. Green Supremes I've used in past years were very ashy.This is only the second year with my stove, Harman Accentra, and I love it. Learned the hard way this year to get out of the gate early when buying pellets. So I had to buy a ton of Tractor Supply Company brand. Burned OK, and gave out some good heat, but didn't burn very clean and there was a lot of dust in the bag. Then bought some O'Malley Premium hardwood pellets which I had good luck with last year. Let me tell ya, I think I got a bad batch. Had a lot of dust, long pellets, and they looked darker than normal. Like they had gotten wet and then dried out. Didn't burn very hot and went through half a ton in no time. So I decided to try the Green Supreme and so far have been happy. Burns hot, very little dust in the bag, uniformed pellets, and low ash.