What Is In Your Stove Right Now?

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  • [Hearth.com] What Is In Your Stove Right Now?
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Ash usually takes off like a rocket for me. A full load of ash is my hardest load to control. Beech is usually pretty good for ignition, but hard maple (sugar) not so much.

I loaded without thinking. Right side typically lights and burns better than the left and I put the pieces with more "strings" on the right and more solid on the left... User error.
Ash I have been primarily burning is black. Cut and bucked 11mons ago. Split and left outside in piles in Oct. Stacked in basement, with circulating air, starting in late Nov. I burn the oldest stacked first. Nice ring tone. Beech is in the same boat but split before the ash by about 2 mons. I don't have a lot of it. The sugar has 2 yrs on it CSS. It seems to take off well for me. I have some white ash on par with the sugar around a year and a half. The white takes off nicely too. Black ash has always been a bit slower in my findings. Even with the massive coal beds I get in the dragon. Which also contributes to most firewood quick ignition.

My issue with the black may be from lack of seasoning time? I do not have a meter but it does have a nice ring tone and a little bounce of the concrete floor. possibly the dragon just doesn't digest it well...LOL
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Gave the dragon an overnight half hour ago. With a temp of 14*, real of -5*, and a low of 9* I fed her good.
2 beech, 3 white oak and a bunch of red, 1 honey locust, 2 black locust, and 1 pignut. In the middle of that mix are 3 black ash. Goal is for a good overnight heat load, and ample coals in the am for a quick restart before I'm off to ride the ball for the day.

@NickW another difficulty I may be finding is I get tons of black ash. I'm always rushing it.
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