rona said:
PerfectaDude said:
Simple answer, corn is a feed stock, pellets are not. This is why, until they perfect the making of ethanol using methods other than corn fermentation, you won't see E85 readily available anywhere. Using a feed stock as a fuel is never a good idea, using waste products is. A few years back there was a company making pellets from corn stalks and other field waste left over after the harvest, don't know what ever happened to them. A corn stove might be good if you live in say Iowa and happen to own a couple hundred acres of corn field, for the rest of us it just never made sense. I used to burn cherry pits when you could get them at TSC, they went and reduced the bag size to 30# and raised the price so it makes little sense now. They burned nice but I found I had to mix them with pellets to keep them from blowing out of the burn pot.
Where do you live? E-85 has been available for probably 5 years or more. Haven't you heard of flex fuel vehicles?
As far as feed corn being wasted the left over is a highly sought cattle feed.
Using corn stubble and other waste for making ethanol is being tested but so far not economically feasible. Maybe by artificially raising other energy prices it may become feasible but a lot of money has been spent so far with no positive results.
Burning crop waste as pellets was being done with corn stalks, soybean stubble, sunflower hulls. Google Eagle Biomass Fuels. But they may be out of business because they were pretty high priced and had lots of ash.
As I remember they were charging over 5.00 a 40lb bag and I could get wood pellets for 4.00 a bag so that didn't work.
Sure, I have heard of flex fuel vehicles, been driving one for 4 years, fat lot of good it does me, you can't get E85 anywhere in the NY/NJ/Philadelphia region, at least not if you don't want to drive 50 miles out of your way to get it.
Never said that any corn whatsoever was waste, corn is food whether it be for animals or humans who end up eating the animals.
Coskata was working on converting various waste streams into syngas which could then be turned into ethanol, haven't heard much about them in a while I know GM invested a lot of money in the technology.
There is a company in Ireland I believe that has found a way to turn human waste into a burnable fuel, can't wait to try a bag of Poo-Pellets, wonder what kind of ash those will produce.