We compost what we don't feed the chickens. We also compost the waste produced by the chickens, garden waste, and large amounts of leaves. We grow a lot of our own food which also means we can. I do not drive, we have a car that is 8 years old and I haven't looked lately but I doubt if there is much over 65,000 miles on it. The house has with 5 exceptions all CFL lights, all five of the exceptions are rarely used. Pellets have replaced our 600 gallons of oil for space heating and I keep looking at the DHW and I'm not quite certain I can break even yet going to electric.
I'm currently making 18 panels of interior storms (well I have almost all of the parts needed), the goal is to cut a ton of pellets or better per year as well as even out the temperatures on the main floor.
I hope to get electrical usage down to an average of 400kWh/month.
We don't do it to be green, we are cheap ornery old Yankees and can really put the squeeze on the buffalo (that is how we pay for our vices).
We try to do the reduce, reuse, and recycle in that order.
ETA: For some of my vices consult the last line in my signature.
YAE: We stopped using hot water to wash clothes in years ago, and when our old washer sprung a leak we bought a new He model.
I'm currently making 18 panels of interior storms (well I have almost all of the parts needed), the goal is to cut a ton of pellets or better per year as well as even out the temperatures on the main floor.
I hope to get electrical usage down to an average of 400kWh/month.
We don't do it to be green, we are cheap ornery old Yankees and can really put the squeeze on the buffalo (that is how we pay for our vices).
We try to do the reduce, reuse, and recycle in that order.
ETA: For some of my vices consult the last line in my signature.
YAE: We stopped using hot water to wash clothes in years ago, and when our old washer sprung a leak we bought a new He model.