I could have bought an awful lot of propane for what has been spent on setting myself up to heat with wood. The biggest benefit is knowing it’s already been spent so it’s gone.
The way I see it though is when you pay the LP bill, that money is gone forever. You can't re-sell the LP after you are done with it. It has zero residual value.
At least with buying all the equipment needed for wood burning, it all has a residual value and one can simply sell everything to re-coup probably 75% of what you initially have into them. $10,000 in equipment is still worth, say, $7,500 when one is done with it. $10,000 in LP is worth $0 when one is done with it.
I can't speak for everyone, as some of you guys have some pretty fancy setups that cost a lot of $$$$, but taking into account my wood furnace install and all my equipment (minus the ATV, as I use that for recreation as well), I am very close to breaking even, or am already there after 7 years. I know I am already way on the "plus" side of things when just looking at the cost of my wood furnace and new chimney install (~$10,000).
If I were to decide I wanted to get out of it right now, I could sell my wood furnace for dang near what I paid for it back in 2014. The chimney install, obviously, has zero residual value though. The rest of my equipment does and I could probably re-coup 75% of what I have into it. Then there is my wood supply.....at $250/cord I am sitting on over $16,000 of wood. In terms of processing wood, one HAS to like it and see it as a form of exercise and not as work. If you see it as work and value your time spent as $$$, then you will never see it as saving $$.
In my situation, the value of a cord of wood is worth more to me in heat than it is for me to liquidate it and pay for LP. Before heating with wood, we'd use ~1,100 gallons of LP a year to heat this place to keep it at 68° and have the basement un-heated. This is ~$2,600 in today's LP prices. Over the past 7 years of heating with wood, we've burned, on average, ~16,000lbs (~4.4 cords of red oak). So I'd have to sell my wood for ~$600/cord or more right now if I wanted to liquidate it and use it to pay the LP man to heat the house. Heating with wood, we keep the house 70-72 the majority of the winter as well heat the basement solely off radiant heat of the furnace. Even when LP was $0.99/gal......we'd still have to sell the wood for ~$250/cord and we still wouldn't have a house that is as warm as it is with wood heat.
For the record, when we left at the end of February for a week, the LP furnace ran for over 53 hours over 8 days to keep the place 55°. This cost us over $100 in LP over 8 days to keep the place 55°.
This years heating season is still in progress: