Hi everyone . . . thanks for the continued comments.
Yeah, there are a lot of "absolute" requirements. Which ones *really* merit that title differ depending on who you ask: DH or me.

I really value all of the poking at possibilities and my comments, making me reassess things, and look at the situation from perspectives I hadn't yet considered. And thanks so much for the kindness and respect with which the poking has been done.
Being new, I'm not sure of the etiquette of replying to everyone's questions with individual posts, so I'll lump them all in here. (Btw, is there a way to "burn someone's ears", so they'll get a notification I've mentioned them in a post? My other favorite forum has that capability, so you don't have to reply to everyone that you want to notify of new info in a thread. Thought I'd ask.) K, here goes:
BrowningBAR: Thanks so much for taking the time to scout Craigslist for stoves for me. It's much appreciated! We'll be taking a trip out to Portland to Ikea in a month or two (cabinets, sinks, and a few things like that), and I'll make sure to search out there for stoves, as well, when the things we need from Ikea are in stock.
eclecticcottage: I'm not sure an outdoor boiler would work with the way we've got things set up . . . and I'm definitely sure DH wouldn't go for it. Fwiw, the space is so small that a stove sized up a notch (that still fits in the space) would put out enough heat that we'd be fine heating water and the space.
begreen: The aforementioned preparedness expert could also be termed a Self-Reliance expert. He has experience in designing, building, and consulting on self-reliant/self-sufficient residences, techniques and practices. We're not looking to be totally self-sufficient, but for peace of mind we really like to be as self-reliant as we reasonably can. (Our definition of "reasonably" probably differs with most, though. And so you can see, KaptJaq is right. Totally 'nuther forum material.)
Armoured: I completely agree. Your three (or four) priorities sound a lot like the Iron Triangle of software development: features, price & time. You can constrain any two, but try to constrain the third, and someone (usually the developer) will end up in the doghouse, every time. (You'll never guess what DH does for a living . . .) I'm going to show your comment to DH, and see what he thinks.
Woody: Thanks for the tip. I had seen the Vermont Bun Baker, and I really love it. If we were to really go high end with a stove, that would be it (water jacket included). The water jacket looks like it goes in the firebox, in the back. Is that correct? We're planning on having a thermosiphon system between the woodstove water jacket and the water heater (which will only kick on when the stove or solar system aren't heating the water sufficiently). The water heater is up on a seriously reinforced shelf about 40" from the floor.
If I've missed anyone, please pipe up. Today has been spent lying low, trying to not get sick (a day of prevention is worth a week of cure). I really need to get out and see some of the stoves I'm interested in, in person. I think that will help a ton, especially with the water jacket idea. We can make our own, if we can find a stove with a side flat enough to allow a decent amount of contact with a reservoir (whether mounted to the stove, or the floor).