Hi everyone,
I'm a brand-spankin'-newbie here, and can't tell you how glad I am to have found Hearth.com. We're finishing our place on a tight schedule (owner of the rental is selling, and we don't want/can't afford to move twice, especially when we're so close!), and I really need to get the stove figured out.
Smallish space (700-ish sq ft). Building is 24x36, but due to attic trusses, the floor space inside is smaller than the 836 of the footprint. Ceiling is close enough to usual to not be a factor. (Higher in the middle, at 11', but only 7.5' in the living room & bedroom, due to attic trusses.)
We've got a corner to put the stove in, in the kitchen area, that's 32" deep x 50" wide (or within a few inches). I'm fine with having the tile come out into the walkway, as it'll be the same height as the hardwood. I just don't want the stove to reach out into the traffic pattern. I'd love a side-loading stove for this very reason; but it's got to load from the left. (Fwiw, I'm planning on ceramic tile on the walls (basic subway in white) and some kind of stone tile on the floor--just have to find something that'll match the height of the hickory wood flooring.)
There are a lot of us (eight in the family--I know, we're crazy, but just trust me that minimalist living for a few years is a really good thing for us), so I'm thinking that a stove a little bigger than one would think would be a good thing, as we'll have a lot of airflow in the place just so we all don't asphyxiate in winter, (we'll spend most good weather days outside in the garden, woods, etc.). I also want something that will still have a good bed of coals after eight or so hours so we won't wake up to a frigid house.
Lest you think we're certifiable, this is on 12 acres, with woods and pasture, and we'll be building an ICF home in a couple years (gotta save for that while we have such a low mortgage). So, plenty of room for the kids (heck, all of us) to have some space and freedom outside of the little box that will keep us from freezing in the winter.
I've got my eye on Hearthstone stoves . . . I really don't want a catalytic converter because I'm worried about it failing or needing to be rebuilt. We need a stove that's going to be something we can maintain ourselves as much as possible. (If such a thing still exists . . . ;o) I love the soapstone, and the more gentle heat and less blistering surfaces . . . growing up with wood heat, I think it would be much better for a small space than a steel stove. (Or maybe cast iron would work, too? I love the look of them, but don't know much else.) My brothers and I lived in fear of the black steel stove we had. lol I do want something I could use to cook on if the electricity went out, or we went off-grid. (Both very real possibilities.) I'm thinking the Tribute is a little too small; the Homestead looks about right, but there's no side door, and I worry about how shallow the box is for loading & spillage; and the Heritage looks nearly perfect, (maybe a little big?) . . . but I've been around various blocks enough times to worry that there's really no perfect solution. (Which I'm okay with.

I've been encouraged by the friendly and chatty feel of all of the threads I've read, (trying to figure out if I needed to post this question, or if it had already been answered), and I look forward to hearing what y'all have to say, both expected and unexpected. I really do love the Hearthstone stoves, but I'm open to discussing other options. (And my DH would love to hear about other, less expensive options. lol) I've done what research I can, but with packing and everyone sick this week (don't ask--it's not good timing! lol), I'm a little strapped for spare minutes in which to google something that I know so little about.
Sooooo . . . enlighten me, please!