Ogre said:Yea... Sorry to disapoint but I'm installing new chimeny liner and was realy just interested in pulling enough vaccume to clean out the ash from all the hiding placies in this old stove. I'm gonna do it right and take it back outside... ough these things are so hevy... and take all the brick out and shop vav it out. if needed I'll run the shop vac on blower to blow thru any hidden intakes... And after posting I remembered the last stove pipe I cleaned. theres not a chance it heck that a negative pressure will clean a woods burnig stove pipe.. I recon I don't know much to anything abt pellet stove other then the difference is fuel... I assume your ashes and ehhaust lines are different....
Sorry for the dissapointment. No good pics coming from here...
Thanks Orge. Hope your wood stove works well for you