I am the new newbie, but I am very careful in evaluating options and therefore will be studying all the manuals and specifications in detail before I decide what I want. We are going to replace our 10+ year old Hardy Heater. We do not need to talk about this particular OWB, more than it has been very reliable despite continuous oak burning, all stainless, and it has literally produced a couple of tons of smoke to the detriment of the environment and my neighbor south of me.
Now when I stumbled upon Varmebaronen's instruction statement about restricted oak burning I became curious why. I need to tell you that I at the same time as I posted this new thread I sent a mail copy to smokelessheat.com and varmebaronen.se in Sweden as a heads-up to be prepared.
We have seen smokelessheat.com's response in the thread and I am very sorry I missed the warranty statement. I didn't see it on the website and then for me to assume you have no warranty is stupid from my side. It is probably there somewhere and I am only confused. Again I apologize. Now when I have seen it and read your response I suppose oak burning is not regarded to be misuse and will not void the warranty.
From Varmebaronen.se I have no conclusive reply yet, more than they will check with their R&D and come back with an reply.
My aim is to be as objective as possible in my not so insignificant investment decision.
To my surprise the empty weight of boilers are very different. I suppose if you have some oak burning corrosion more steel is better than less. Garn's case is special, because it includes a large integrated hot water storage volume.
Brand Model BTU/hr Lbs
Varmebaronen Vedolux 30 112,000 639
Varmebaronen Vedolux 37 143,000 650
HS Tarm Solo Innova 30 102,000 1,113
HS Tarm Solo Innova 50 171,000 1,213
Scandtec Solo Plus 40 140,000 1,180
Orlan Ekoline 40 137,000 1,390
Biomass 40 140,000 1,480
Econoburn EBW-150 150,000 1,670
Garn WHS 1500 350,000 3,550
I have gathered this information from different websites, but I do guarantee they are accurate. Pls do your own checking. Obviously some of the weight differences is caused by differences in the weight of the ceramics.
I tried to get the table straight and it looks beautiful on the preview, but it did not translate to the post.