Warren said:
I have more than 3.
4. Interesting code things like: You can't legally install a non-epa approved stove these days
Well, you have to relearn this one....in most of the US you can install used non-epa stoves.
Now, Elk claims that non-UL stoves (safety tested) cannot be legally installed. While I surely cannot speak for Mass, my opinion is that NFPA and other codes address these under their "generic" clearances and that the installatiion of non-listed stoves is probably "legal" in many areas....
"legal" may be the wrong word, but I would say that many inspectors, insurance companies and other such entities would allow antique and other non-listed stoves installed as long as they were in good condition.
I'll have to ask my code-writing friends about this when I have a chance (many people in our industry are on the committees that write NFPA and IBC, etc.)