I have a variable speed drive circuit that turns a fixed-speed circulator like the 15-58 or the Taco 007 into a variable-speed unit. If you look at the chart, I have it set for a minimum speed of 30% and a maximum speed of 100%, and it varies the speed as needed to maintain the target outlet temp. For the period in the chart above, the target temp was 180. Depending on the heat loads, I'll use a target temp anywhere from 160 to 190.Here is my dilemma: I want to control the output temp of the boiler to say, 180-190F to fill storage in a "one and done" manner. Originally I planned to do this with two viridian temp set point pumps, one on the boiler loop controlling the boiler output temp, and one in the storage loop, with it set to maintain the boiler return temp at 150F. The problem I am seeing is at start-up and when the boiler heat output starts dropping to low levels at the end of the burn. The flow rates/heads at those points in the burn cycle are below the operating point of the viridian pumps. How does your controller control the pump? Is it a bang -bang type of control?
The variable speed unit is the Nimbus (from Control Resources). I drive it using 4-20mA from my Vesta.