Hi All,
Been pretty busy - but the dream is now a reality! I have been researching for about 4 months now and I pullled the trigger today.
To sum it up:
I decided to go with the Napolean 1402, this is a breakdown:
- Napolean 1402
- webbed silver door
- clean existing ss liner
- clean chimney
- re-install liner
- install stove
A few things...yes I was definitely trying to save $ initially - primarily because I see stoves retail literally for $1000 - 1500 that are reviewed better than $3000 stoves. For example - the Century stove that Ace is selling for $700 gets 3 - 4 stars out of 5 everywhere I see it - with quite a number of folks posting reviews. However, some of the Obsorne stoves I have seen that retail for 2500 - 3k have 2 out of 5 stars on average. So I'm worried about shelling out a few grand for a comparabel or worse stove. That being said, I have been trying to do every bit of due dilligence I can think of, one poster made a good point about "kicking the tires" several times - ayup true indeed. I was reading stuff online until my eyes were swimming - but when you go to the store and get to check them out - well there's no comparison. After reading everything I could here on hearth.com, and all the consumer reviews from the people who bought 'em - I am now sure that we are getting a good, safe stove at a good price, which has been my goal all along

Well, that and accomodating this little WAF thing we been discussin'.
Hi Dave - well to be fair, if it was solely up to me I would have a nice big ol' smoke wagon like I grew up with - damn thing was bigger than a moose and seemed to eat a cord of wood a day - but it was the warmest thing ever. The missus is not a fan of that look though, so this is a compromise - and it sure beats burning in the damn fireplace lol! I went to a couple stores that had the Jotuls (i think someone else mentioned that she would like them) - I didn't see any Hamptons though.
In answer to brother bart - I hear ya buddy - she likes the stove and loves the door - which is the sole reason that this hillbilly has metal between him and the fire

- I told her it was kind of sacriligious - she told me it was non-negotiable.
Dan/trooper - I have actually seen your thread - nice stove! Two questions since you are here--> which thermostat did you end up with, and did you find a good place on the stove for it?
Well, Thank you all very much - I appreciate the the knowledge, ideas and suggestions - there sure aren't a lot of places I can go and learn about stoves from folks who know what they are talking about and are willing to do so.
You guys are great.