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Excellent report with great pics.
FWIW....... 2 points regarding the lunch:
1. The only reason i got it made for me was because she made it for Erhan and he didn't need it.

2. the shapes are cut usingn this plastic form. you just push down and wa-la it cuts the crust off and leaves a neat shape.
Danno77 said:
FWIW....... 2 points regarding the lunch:
1. The only reason i got it made for me was because she made it for Erhan and he didn't need it.

2. the shapes are cut usingn this plastic form. you just push down and wa-la it cuts the crust off and leaves a neat shape.

Sure Danno . . . sure . . . likely story . . . ;) Next thing you know you'll be telling us that she also cuts the crust off your toast in the morning too. ;) :)
Nice - how much did you get out of it when it was all split and stacked? Did it fit in one truck load? somehow the proportions of tree vrs truck didn't look quite right!
Mesuno said:
Nice - how much did you get out of it when it was all split and stacked? Did it fit in one truck load? somehow the proportions of tree vs truck didn't look quite right!
about half of a level shortbed load. I'll stack it tonight or tomorrow and take a picture so you can see how much. not really much at all. If I had to guess I'd say 1/2 of a face cord MAX.
walnut will be ready for 2011/12 ?

I don't buy the wife making the sandwich for a kid, either.

Maybe the kid that ended up with it.
They KNOW when there is a day off. :-)
billb3 said:
walnut will be ready for 2011/12 ?

I don't buy the wife making the sandwich for a kid, either.

Maybe the kid that ended up with it.
They KNOW when there is a day off. :-)
That walnut will be burnt in 11-12 whether it's ready or not. It probably won't be as dry as it should. I'm struggling to get ahead, but I think I can have all of next year's wood in the stacks by late November.

Somehow I knew that sandwich would be more interesting than anything else, lol
Here it is stacked on my cord rack. I think I need to level that out, because it's leaning forward. It's 6 feet wide and 4 feet tall. I cut them large at 18" or longer (I'll probably have to trim a bunch). 18 cubic feet. that's a crappy .14 cords plus a teensy bit.


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