I think I almost got scammed, or did I?
It all started with the idea of building a wood shed. 14x8 or so. This was last year and after the price shock at Lowes I just decided not to go any further. As I was browsing my local Facebook Marketplace, I noticed someone local who had some walnut slabs for sale. I gave him a text. It read: "I see you are selling some slabs and I was wondering if you would be interested in milling me some 1x lumber from pine or popular, sycamore or anything easy to get, and if so, I need 200 sq feet Give me a price." His reply was, "Sure, I'll cut and deliver it for $300".
I almost said yes until I rechecked the prices at Lowes and did the math. At Lowes, a 1x12x8 was 12.24, that is $1.53 per square foot x 200 is $306.
Now, Now. I know that Lowes' lumber is not really 1x12. its more like 3/4x11 1/4 or something, but it is dry, planed and has regular edges and all I need is something to cover the sides of a shed with. I might have to buy a couple more boards to make a full 200sq feet Lowes wants to charge $80 for delivery. Total price for Lowes' lumber would be closer to $400 since I don't have a truck. However, this local guy only lives 2 miles down the road so it's not much of a "delivery," and I would get green undried very un-uniform boards.
Local guy instantly got defensive when I said that his prices was the same for Lowes' lumber, told me just to go to Lowes then. He has to get the logs, mill them, load them, haul them. Gas is expensive, etc. I told him I understood the process but thought that rough sawn lumber is always cheaper than planed lumber from Lowes. My search validates my thoughts that Rough green lumber is usually 2/3 the cost of store lumber if not cheaper. I think either this guy didn't want to A
Mill lumber to begin with. B
Didn't know what to charge so he used Lowes' prices as a guide, C
Trying to charge me full price for a very sub-par product, thinking I was naive and wouldn't check prices.
What are your thoughts on this? Dude trying to scam me? It all boils down with my situation, if $100 is worth it to have 200sq feet of decent lumber or save $100 for green rough sawn. If I had a truck it would be a no-brainer with Lowes winning by a longshot.
It all started with the idea of building a wood shed. 14x8 or so. This was last year and after the price shock at Lowes I just decided not to go any further. As I was browsing my local Facebook Marketplace, I noticed someone local who had some walnut slabs for sale. I gave him a text. It read: "I see you are selling some slabs and I was wondering if you would be interested in milling me some 1x lumber from pine or popular, sycamore or anything easy to get, and if so, I need 200 sq feet Give me a price." His reply was, "Sure, I'll cut and deliver it for $300".
I almost said yes until I rechecked the prices at Lowes and did the math. At Lowes, a 1x12x8 was 12.24, that is $1.53 per square foot x 200 is $306.
Now, Now. I know that Lowes' lumber is not really 1x12. its more like 3/4x11 1/4 or something, but it is dry, planed and has regular edges and all I need is something to cover the sides of a shed with. I might have to buy a couple more boards to make a full 200sq feet Lowes wants to charge $80 for delivery. Total price for Lowes' lumber would be closer to $400 since I don't have a truck. However, this local guy only lives 2 miles down the road so it's not much of a "delivery," and I would get green undried very un-uniform boards.
Local guy instantly got defensive when I said that his prices was the same for Lowes' lumber, told me just to go to Lowes then. He has to get the logs, mill them, load them, haul them. Gas is expensive, etc. I told him I understood the process but thought that rough sawn lumber is always cheaper than planed lumber from Lowes. My search validates my thoughts that Rough green lumber is usually 2/3 the cost of store lumber if not cheaper. I think either this guy didn't want to A

What are your thoughts on this? Dude trying to scam me? It all boils down with my situation, if $100 is worth it to have 200sq feet of decent lumber or save $100 for green rough sawn. If I had a truck it would be a no-brainer with Lowes winning by a longshot.