I suppose I could buy C/S/D and save less and work less. I kinda like the bragging rights though of saying I have zero fuel cost. (yeah I know, theres still gas, chains saws, but you know what I mean)
Actually I have a coffee can that I put $100/ month into and thats for any heat related expense, gas for the truck, new chains, building a shed last year for 8 cords, building another shed this year, replacing the ceramics. I figure after I'm done building/buying stuff I can cut that back to $50 or $25 a month.
Actually I have a coffee can that I put $100/ month into and thats for any heat related expense, gas for the truck, new chains, building a shed last year for 8 cords, building another shed this year, replacing the ceramics. I figure after I'm done building/buying stuff I can cut that back to $50 or $25 a month.