I must chime in ! I`ve been burning for only 4 years with a pre Epa insert of unknown maker. lots of trial and error until I found this Forum just recently. The knowledge is pouring in, though much of it has not been put into application.I intend to upgrade to a liner and modern burner and have been info searching many areas of wood burning. Read entire thread last night,great input guy`s. The insulation seemed to fix things, GREAT,but I feel our firestarter is getting better at firing a cold stove after the picture`s were seen. Pay attention to the spacing between the splits; for that was not unintentional. Small details can yield big returns, and we must all take nothing for granted while learning, question any and all details.
Your children of course the most important detail; plan on a hard plate in the future. once installed you can then finish the insulation of the remainder liner. Consider what was mentioned earlier (vermiculite)(spl.?) a light substance often used under above ground pool liners, to soften the bottom when walking and to create a radius where the bottom turns up to meet the sides.You`ll need to bust out the mortor at the top of chimney then pour in the stuff until the void between your liner and flue is filled. then reseal top of chimney. This liner needs to retain heat in order to draft well and cut down on creosole deposits and achieve a clean burn.
engine search.... fresh air intake for wood burners.. and learn about indoor and out door pressure differences, the effects possible. Kitchen downdraft systems..bathroom vents ...cooking vents which vent outside could effect cold starts if on during this procedure. cracking window closest to stove during firing could cure or overide vents while firing and waiting for all things to come up to temperature. All depends on how air-tight your house is?
engine search "forestry dept" get a BTU chart on wood burning, determine the best wood in your area according to chart, make calls if you are buying wood and ask what they claim to be selling, then learn how to recognize such wood`s you want to burn. Especially if you are not cutting yourself. You have an investment to reclaim, demand honorable service, but get you a moisture checker and when they deliver, take your axe, split a large split and check the fresh wood with your meter as you give em the "eye". Remember earlier thread "it`s all seasoned wood" don`t bet the house on it.
When you get things burning right not knowing your floor plan, you may be in need of moving air (i am) Don`t try to move hot air out of room, try moving cold air into warm room. this will lower pressure in that cold area allowing warm air to migrate in. Hang Christmas tree tinsel from doorways, in order to better see how your house migrates air or if you can effect the flow with fans placed at strategic locations.
Watch the weather and plan out ,moving,covering,uncovering of wood at friendly times, all of course blended in with the family obligations. Don`t get caught in a rain shower with your wood uncovered for more drying time.
DETAIL`s;..detail`s. good-luck
Your children of course the most important detail; plan on a hard plate in the future. once installed you can then finish the insulation of the remainder liner. Consider what was mentioned earlier (vermiculite)(spl.?) a light substance often used under above ground pool liners, to soften the bottom when walking and to create a radius where the bottom turns up to meet the sides.You`ll need to bust out the mortor at the top of chimney then pour in the stuff until the void between your liner and flue is filled. then reseal top of chimney. This liner needs to retain heat in order to draft well and cut down on creosole deposits and achieve a clean burn.
engine search.... fresh air intake for wood burners.. and learn about indoor and out door pressure differences, the effects possible. Kitchen downdraft systems..bathroom vents ...cooking vents which vent outside could effect cold starts if on during this procedure. cracking window closest to stove during firing could cure or overide vents while firing and waiting for all things to come up to temperature. All depends on how air-tight your house is?
engine search "forestry dept" get a BTU chart on wood burning, determine the best wood in your area according to chart, make calls if you are buying wood and ask what they claim to be selling, then learn how to recognize such wood`s you want to burn. Especially if you are not cutting yourself. You have an investment to reclaim, demand honorable service, but get you a moisture checker and when they deliver, take your axe, split a large split and check the fresh wood with your meter as you give em the "eye". Remember earlier thread "it`s all seasoned wood" don`t bet the house on it.
When you get things burning right not knowing your floor plan, you may be in need of moving air (i am) Don`t try to move hot air out of room, try moving cold air into warm room. this will lower pressure in that cold area allowing warm air to migrate in. Hang Christmas tree tinsel from doorways, in order to better see how your house migrates air or if you can effect the flow with fans placed at strategic locations.
Watch the weather and plan out ,moving,covering,uncovering of wood at friendly times, all of course blended in with the family obligations. Don`t get caught in a rain shower with your wood uncovered for more drying time.
DETAIL`s;..detail`s. good-luck