Minister of Fire
Misinformation changes perspective, the subjects are intertwined. Perception is reality.
Actually perception is not reality.

Perception Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
PERCEPTION meaning: 1 : the way you think about or understand someone or something often + of; 2 : the ability to understand or notice something easily
And reality:

Reality Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
REALITY meaning: 1 : the true situation that exists the real situation; 2 : something that actually exists or happens a real event, occurrence, situation, etc.
As you can see perception is defined as the way you think about or understand someone or something. Reality is something that actually exists.
Reality isn't influenced by the mind.
So your perception and mine can be different. The world doesn't implode and the sun still rose this morning. It doesn't make you or me right. As far as misinformation I didn't know you were christened the all mighty with what is fact. Trying to tell me my daughter's teacher is underpaid while being over 1500 miles away and knowing nothing of her body of work. Listen to you lol.