Minister of Fire
I remember when Weyerhaeuser decided the liability was too high to have in house cutters. Two fatalities in one year. Spotted owl hadn’t hit and we inherited a couple of them and I double jacked (ya, that’s what we called it ha ha) with one of them for a while. He was as good as any, I hate to say average because he was an extremely good person. I remember when we were cutting old growth, only a couple guys wore chaps on a crew that averaged about 30 because the ground was so steep and nobody wanted any restrictions on they’re legs when they needed to run for they’re lives. Nobody used ear plugs because there’s a wind sound you can hear when something is falling. I saved 2 or 3 guys lives because of this. I started using chaps when I started working in smaller timber, less danger and it saved my pant legs from the wear. Even started using ear plugs. Never could use eye protection though, not because I didn’t try, just too dangerous . I remember when tennis shoes first started becoming cork shoes, yup , buy yourself a brand new pair of tenny’s and have the bottoms corked. I have a pair of hiking shoes now that hold up better ha ha. Glad those days are overThe company I worked for had the last pulp and paper company employed crew in New England. They had great safety records, when the company laid them off and sold what little land they had left most went to work for contractors that had to crank out the wood to make a buck. Almost all our former employees got injured within months as they were trained to work in the safe way not the fast way.