This entire web site is run on one small computer with no monitor - probably about 3-4 light bulbs worth of electric. I would guess that the tips we give for increasing efficiency and renewable uses far outweight those bulbs - but it would not be a bad idea for use to purchase some renewable credits to offset even those few watts.
Sandy, don't take it personal. We are all hypocrites, starting with yours truly.....and there is much more to it than even that. We have a lack of leadership, a lack of future planning and a lack of education. Certainly SUV's and McMansions are a easy target - and even a fitting one. However, you would not miss your Yukon if you never knew such a thing existed, and perhaps that is the right idea - a national energy policy that somehow attempts to balance "need" with "want". You are already taxed many times on your car - when you bought it, every year (registration or local tax) as well as when you buy gas.
People do not have faith in our government.....but I'll tell you this - we can be 100% certain that there are no facts that will cause our population as a whole to save energy and resources. In other words, we are willing to invade the world, cut off mountaintops, poison our water, etc. etc. just to have things we do not need. So, what is the answer?
In my opinion there are three components - Legislative, Economic and Personal....... to add to this, there is technology, although we usually use that for the wrong thing (example, making your Yukon get 16MPG instead of making a smaller van get 40). This whole neocon idea about leaving everything alone and people will sort it out...does not work! Never has. Yet, legislation, CAFE standards, etc. - THEY DO WORK. So does taxation.
It's a sad world when China is beating our pants off in renewable technology!
So, back to the SUV thing. I'm certain even you will admit there is a limit. Should folks be able to buy a vehicle TWICE the size of your car with 8MPG and not pay for the extra resources?
Certainly SUV's are not the entire problem, but they are in the sector (transportation) which uses the most energy, and they are a significant part of that. If I had my way, they probably would not exist - that is, I would have CAFE standards that virtually elminated them....or, at least made certain that automakers made X number of efficient vehicles to a set number of less efficient ones.
If we are even going to start down the path of a sustainable economy, we have to at least think about these things. My neighbor, for instance, goes out every morning for a cup of coffee. It's amazing to think he uses MUCH more gas than the amount of coffee which he buys or drinks!
In the end, the only question is whether we can and should start turning this thing around - as of now, our energy use is still on an incredibly high level..... should we turn it around? And if so, how and when?