OK, I wasn't quite putting it all together with regard to your layout. A stove in the living room might be just the ticket if you can move the warmth to other areas adequately.The family room is so open that there’s really only one other wall, and I don’t think it would work because of what’s above it. That’s why we thought we’d have to put a freestander in the “formal” living room.
Well, the Common Persimmon we have here is pretty high-output stuff. It rots a little quicker, similar to Hickory, than some other woods.Osage orange and Texas Madrone are native, but I haven’t seen any. Apparently Cedar Elm is common in the area. We’d burn oak and cedar because that’s what we have in abundance with some scattered Texas Persimmon and Texas Mountain Laurel (a tree with lots of poisonous red nuts—I had to tell my kids to assume that everything in Texas was poisonous until we learned otherwise.). I tried posting one of my mystery trees in the wood shed forum a while back and still couldn’t identify despite some great help. It’s a whole different world down here.
Yes, we are blessed to have such a wide variety of different ecosystems within our national borders.