Stove Lighting in 15 days J.A. Jung Sirius wood stove..

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Okay good people I loaded my wood stove with four splits of wood oak 16 inches long oak and two on the bottom and two on the top and I have my quick survive fire starter with a 1inch and 1/2 high of cold coals from yesterday and do you think it okay to light now and shut the door? Should I go for it? pictures coming...One little packet of white powder to start the fire..clancey

[] Stove Lighting in 15 days J.A. Jung Sirius wood stove.. [] Stove Lighting in 15 days J.A. Jung Sirius wood stove..
Go ahead and try and light it. Keep the door cracked until the fire is established. Be slow and smooth when opening or closing the door and you should be fine. Do you have any kindling? That would help with getting it going. Some people like to use newspaper that has been rolled up and tied in a knot.
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I have this packet of stuff and a small rolled up newspaper ball--thanks for the encouragement--blast off here with a very long goes...clancey
This has been quite a new experience--I had to nurse it along at times like with my new leather abestos gloves I moved the wood around a bit and I had to put in another packet and another ball of newspaper as well but its shut up now and heating nicely..Temperature gauge now is: 200,and the stove is closed fully and no smoke out the chimney or the stove and it is nicely heating the porch and I opened up the windows and doors to get the new paint smell out..Temperature on porch right now is 76 degrees and it was at 69 in the beginning of this process--porch closed off from house for now until I can get rid of this new paint smell...success....blower has not turned on yet and I imagine pretty soon....thank you clancey..Pictures coming...

[] Stove Lighting in 15 days J.A. Jung Sirius wood stove.. [] Stove Lighting in 15 days J.A. Jung Sirius wood stove.. [] Stove Lighting in 15 days J.A. Jung Sirius wood stove.. [] Stove Lighting in 15 days J.A. Jung Sirius wood stove.. [] Stove Lighting in 15 days J.A. Jung Sirius wood stove..
It was about 45 degrees on the porch this morning so I decided to light another fire...I am getting addicted to this stuff now I am looking around for a chain saw and maul and whatever else I might need to cut down some dead diseased trees...Thank you everyone..old mrs clancey

[] Stove Lighting in 15 days J.A. Jung Sirius wood stove.. [] Stove Lighting in 15 days J.A. Jung Sirius wood stove..
Lol. Good to hear.

I would suggest to leave the cutting of trees to others. The splitting maybe too?Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself.

And apologies if you're offended... Just trying to be careful with our elders...
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I love it --thanks--I will think about that when I am struggling just on grocery bag thanks for your lol old clancey
I would see if you can get cordwood delivered. There are also "bio bricks" and other compressed wood products that work like cordwood.
Thank you SpaceBus and I bought some environmental logs 24 of them and fire sticks and those white packets of fire started and kindling and have 1/4 face of kiln dried oak wood and a real long lighter and some leather and abestos (sp) gloves and a moisture (that needs a battery) and a temperature gage that needs a better one ( I baked bread at 400 degrees and put this in the bread rack and it registered almost 600 degrees so maybe a different one...I have a shovel and a bucket and a wood I am ready for this winter..."yes"...I love watching it too...having my coffee and temperature on the gage is now about 250 and blower has not come on yet...clancey

And two fire extinguishers just in
The gauge says 225 and a little more smoke coming out the stove pipe and my glass on the right side is getting dirty...Fire feels nice and my it feels cold outside today so glad I lite the fire...When it cools can I just use warm water and soap on the glass to clean it up a bit? clancey

[] Stove Lighting in 15 days J.A. Jung Sirius wood stove.. [] Stove Lighting in 15 days J.A. Jung Sirius wood stove..
My stove fire went out all but one little baby flame so I adjusted the (air thing) and pulled it all the way forward and the flames got larger and the flame stayed to the top back of the stove and the temperature gauge read about 375 but the blower has not turned on yet..The flames seem to get too wild for me so I put the little silver adjuster half way and now it seems nice again. Temperature now at 450 and blower went on and I opened up the french doors and the heat is coming into my kitchen and I put the air adjuster to about 1/4 of the way and temperature now is 500 and the blower is still on and my kitchen is getting some of the warm the air is coming into the kitchen without no fans directing it and this is good..It's make low clicking sounds and the flame is large and in the back and top and my window is dirty. Hope everything is going as it should go thats why the details here..Very little smoke out the chimney but the top of the stove is smoking a little and I think that is some of the new paint burning off...Pictures..The blower is going on and off and is this normal? clancey

[] Stove Lighting in 15 days J.A. Jung Sirius wood stove.. [] Stove Lighting in 15 days J.A. Jung Sirius wood stove..
Yes I have it in front of me right now reading it somewhat and drinking coffee.. The temperature now is coasting between 550-600 and maintaining with the blower on and pushing the warm feeling back to my bedroom.., so the kitchen is warm and now the bedroom getting warm and my two parakeets are chirping...everything seems okay and nice..Reading the book somewhat and I have firebrick in the stove...everything around the stove is a very light warm as well as the french door wood --more cold then warm--not hot,,..Can't find the air adjuster just yet in the book but it is at 1/4 and fire is gentle and nice--temperature maintaining 550 at this moment...clancey
What a run--the stove temperature is now dropping to 500 and blower is on and flames are still very pretty but more in the back now...I started off with about 5 splits of 16 inch long of oak kiln dried wood but now it is on its way to coals but still a pretty flame and the air adjuster on the front is at almost 1/4 of the way from the back...Really enjoyed thanks..clancey
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I'm glad you are reading the manual and are getting a hang of the air control. You might want to get a hold of some more firewood before you get hooked ;) ;lol
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I'm glad you are reading the manual and are getting a hang of the air control. You might want to get a hold of some more firewood before you get hooked ;) ;lol
Too late for that ("before getting hooked") imo ;-)
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lol lol you people are terrible..maybe I will bring up my other thread just to aggravate you two as well as that begreen who has a hurt knee--poor man and hope he gets to feeling better but "you two" are in another category. lol old mrs clancey
I am on stove burning #4 and have a few questions...Number one people can get addicted to this and I am think I am one of those folks . Today about 45 degrees this morning chilly and dreary looking out there--------------------cold-----------So I lite a
How high can the ash be in the stove and I cleaned it all out but about a layer of ash (one inch) can I leave the larger pieces in there--burn"d stick looking things or take them out.? What do I do with this ash--when cold throw it in the trash or something or scatter it on the lawn in the back? Scatter it with my hands around the lawn? Also when you begin a fire I notice a certain amount of smoke coming out of the smoke stack and does this amount look normal as you can tell in the picture? Loving it and having coffee and this makes one very very lazy--which at times is a good thing,,clancey

[] Stove Lighting in 15 days J.A. Jung Sirius wood stove.. [] Stove Lighting in 15 days J.A. Jung Sirius wood stove.. [] Stove Lighting in 15 days J.A. Jung Sirius wood stove.. [] Stove Lighting in 15 days J.A. Jung Sirius wood stove..
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You can leave ash in the box. An inch in there is actually helping most stoves perform better.
Yes you can leave black pieces in there. They'll burn next fire.

NO, don't put ashes in the trash. You may think they are cold, but they might not - resulting in your home burning down from the trashcan up.
NO, don't store ashes EVER in your home. They release CO. Poison. Silent killer. Get a metal bucket, and put the ashes outside *immediately*. Away from flammables. Preferably on concrete. But in the middle of your yard works well. A bucket with a lid (against rain) will make it less messy.

Yes, I'd spread them on your garden or so, after a day or two.

Important: don't store them inside. Fire and CO kill.
You can just dump the ashes in a few piles in your yard/garden. Good fertilizer. Spread the piles around either now or in spring. If they blow around now, get a watering can, spread them a bit with a rake and empty the watering can on them.
Finally, the smoke seems normal to me - when starting a fire, the firebox is not yet hot enough to completely combust (secondary combustion) the smoke. So some smoke is normal. This does not look excessive to me.
To avoid smoke it is important to get the fire up to temperature quickly.

I suggest to read/watch a bit on top-down fire starting. It helps minimize smoke and bring the secondary combustion up to temperature quicker.
One video is here:
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@begreen has a good video too that he often links to (but that I can't find now).
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Thank you so much and I have a extra stove manual that they sent me for this stove and if anyone needs one for their collection willing to mail it to them. One is more than enough for me--lol..I will look for begreens video too...thanks so much...clancey
Just put the ash can outside next to my chair and I can use it as a table top for my coffee cup..thanks.

[] Stove Lighting in 15 days J.A. Jung Sirius wood stove..
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Thank you so much and I have a extra stove manual that they sent me for this stove and if anyone needs one for their collection willing to mail it to them. One is more than enough for me--lol..I will look for begreens video too...thanks so much...clancey
Just put the ash can outside next to my chair and I can use it as a table top for my coffee cup..thanks.

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I'd put it 2 feet away from your wall. Other than that it looks good!
Now the stove installer left these pieces in a plastic bag and I wonder what they are actually for because the manual only says: 2 half disks metal plates #1 and #2 in the book under Sirius. Just wondering if anyone knows what they could be? picture..clancey

[] Stove Lighting in 15 days J.A. Jung Sirius wood stove..